Other wiki or wiki-like projects with similar goals or features like PersonalMoinMoin

See also:




A notebook with some wiki features for Mac OS X. Each document you create is like a single wiki, and saved in one xml file. Each wiki document can have many pages. There is no markup, you use styled text - bold, font size etc. There is no RecentChanges or diffs, or page history at all. There is a script that enable sharing wikis with others by Python cgi.

Need zero installation and configuration. Download disk image, double click to mount, copy application to your disk, run. You get an untitled wiki with some help text, you save it where you like.

As a wiki it's very poor, but integration with the OS is nice. Since it does not use markup, there is no learning needed, it just works like any other Cocoa application. But then you don't have any structure - no headings, TOC, etc.

Its also not free, but a 25$ shareware.




This is kind of a forum-wiki. OS integration is great. You download, run, get a small window that lets you start, stop and change the port. In the same time, a browser is opened in the default port and you can start creating pages, edit, etc.

The wiki is saved automatically in ~/Library/Application Support/ProjectForum/Group Data/. there are two .db files and text file with the port.

There is a freeware limited version and a full featured commercial version.



Integration is also great. Download, run, you get a "Wiki" menu in the right side of the menu bar (Could be more compact as icon). From the menu you can open the HomePage in a browser or quit.

On first time, you have to fill a simple form, wiki name, url and admin password. Click save and your wiki is setup! later you can visit the EditWeb page to setup few more variables. You can create easily more webs (wikis) from the EditWeb page.

Instiki saves the wiki in ~/Library/Application Support/Instiki/Port/xxxn.command_log. It uses an object prevalence system with command logs (http://madeleine.sourceforge.net/). Seems that all the changes are save to the logs, and the objects are created in memory from the logs on startup. Probably will not work for a really big wiki.


WxWidgets was used by RyanNorton to make an excellent cross-platform personal wikki: http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxprojects


Tomboy (http://www.beatniksoftware.com/tomboy/) is a desktop note-taking application for Linux and Unix. Simple and easy to use, but with potential to help you organize the ideas and information you deal with every day.

http://www.beatniksoftware.com/tomboy/img/windows-small.png http://www.beatniksoftware.com/tomboy/img/applet-small.png http://www.beatniksoftware.com/tomboy/img/search-small.png


Hi - I started working on an application like you are proposing some time ago. I use a Desktop MoinMoin as research notebook, and wanted some features like drag and drop attachments, direct access via the system tray and an automatic list of "bookmarks" of the wiki pages. I finally got it into a presentable state and put up a website: http://www.winchen.de/Wordpress/moindesktopbrowser It is Free Software (GPL), I hope you find it useful. -- TobiasWinchen


I collect here other personal wiki projects that we can learn from. Any wiki or wiki like project that has very easy install and configuration is a candidate. Anything which depends on other software or require command line install and editing config file is not. I don't filter projects by license. -- NirSoffer 2005-02-15 00:21:24

MoinMoin: PersonalMoinMoin/OtherSoftware (last edited 2010-05-07 21:12:21 by TobiasWinchen)