
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in run(self=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>)
  916             else:
  917                 try:
  918                     cgitb.Hook(file=self).handle(saved_exc)
  919                     # was: cgitb.handler()
  920                 except:
cgitb = <module '' from '/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MoinMoin/support/cgitb.pyc'>, cgitb.Hook = <class>, file undefined, self = <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, ).handle undefined, saved_exc = (<class exceptions.ValueError>, <exceptions.ValueError instance>, <traceback object>)

 /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in do_userform(pagename=u'Pr\xe9f\xe9rencesUtilisateur', request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>)
  686     from MoinMoin import userform
  687     savemsg = userform.savedata(request)
  688     Page(request, pagename).send_page(request, msg=savemsg)
  690 def do_bookmark(pagename, request):
global Page = <class MoinMoin.Page.Page>, request = <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, pagename = u'Pr\xe9f\xe9rencesUtilisateur', ).send_page undefined, msg undefined, savemsg = u'Vos pr\xe9f\xe9rences utilisateur ont \xe9t\xe9 enregistr\xe9es\xa0!'

 /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in send_page(self=<MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, msg=u'Vos pr\xe9f\xe9rences utilisateur ont \xe9t\xe9 enregistr\xe9es\xa0!', **keywords={})
 1108                                     pagename=self.page_name, print_mode=print_mode,
 1109                                     media=media, pi_refresh=pi_refresh,
 1110                                     allow_doubleclick=1, trail=trail,
 1111                                     )
allow_doubleclick undefined, trail = None

 /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MoinMoin/ in send_title(request=<MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, text=u'Pr\xe9f\xe9rencesUtilisateur', **keywords={'allow_doubleclick': 1, 'link': '/mywiki/Pr%c3%a9f%c3%a9rencesUtilisateur?action=...%C3%A9f%C3%A9rencesUtilisateur%22&amp;context=180', 'media': 'screen', 'msg': u'Vos pr\xe9f\xe9rences utilisateur ont \xe9t\xe9 enregistr\xe9es\xa0!', 'page': <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, 'pagename': u'Pr\xe9f\xe9rencesUtilisateur', 'pi_refresh': None, 'print_mode': False, 'trail': None})
 1078     output = []
 1079     # later: <html xmlns=\"\">
 1080     output.append("""<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
 1081 <html>
 1082 <head>
output = [], output.append = <built-in method append of list object>, ''.join undefined, user_head = ['', '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">\n', '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">\n'], keywords = {'allow_doubleclick': 1, 'link': '/mywiki/Pr%c3%a9f%c3%a9rencesUtilisateur?action=...%C3%A9f%C3%A9rencesUtilisateur%22&amp;context=180', 'media': 'screen', 'msg': u'Vos pr\xe9f\xe9rences utilisateur ont \xe9t\xe9 enregistr\xe9es\xa0!', 'page': <MoinMoin.Page.Page instance>, 'pagename': u'Pr\xe9f\xe9rencesUtilisateur', 'pi_refresh': None, 'print_mode': False, 'trail': None}, keywords.get = <built-in method get of dict object>, request = <MoinMoin.request.RequestCGI instance>, request.theme = <MoinMoin.theme.rightsidebarsmaller.Theme instance>, request.theme.html_head = <bound method Theme.html_head of <MoinMoin.theme.rightsidebarsmaller.Theme instance>>, global escape = <function escape>, text = u'Pr\xe9f\xe9rencesUtilisateur', request.cfg = <wikiconfig.Config instance>, request.cfg.html_pagetitle = None, request.cfg.sitename = u'universit\xe9 populaire de lausanne - wiki en test', False undefined

 /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MoinMoin/theme/ in html_head(self=<MoinMoin.theme.rightsidebarsmaller.Theme instance>, d={'media': 'screen', 'print_mode': False, 'sitename': u'universit\xe9 populaire de lausanne - wiki en test', 'title': u'Pr\xe9f\xe9rencesUtilisateur'})
  746         @return: html head
  747         """
  748         html = [
  749             u'<title>%(title)s - %(sitename)s</title>' % d,
  750             self.headscript(d), # Should move to separate .js file
html undefined, d = {'media': 'screen', 'print_mode': False, 'sitename': u'universit\xe9 populaire de lausanne - wiki en test', 'title': u'Pr\xe9f\xe9rencesUtilisateur'}, self = <MoinMoin.theme.rightsidebarsmaller.Theme instance>, self.headscript = <bound method Theme.headscript of <MoinMoin.theme.rightsidebarsmaller.Theme instance>>, self.html_stylesheets = <bound method Theme.html_stylesheets of <MoinMoin.theme.rightsidebarsmaller.Theme instance>>, self.rsslink = <bound method Theme.rsslink of <MoinMoin.theme.rightsidebarsmaller.Theme instance>>

 /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MoinMoin/theme/ in html_stylesheets(self=<MoinMoin.theme.rightsidebarsmaller.Theme instance>, d={'media': 'screen', 'print_mode': False, 'sitename': u'universit\xe9 populaire de lausanne - wiki en test', 'title': u'Pr\xe9f\xe9rencesUtilisateur'})
  484         html = []
  485         prefix = self.cfg.url_prefix
  486         for media, basename in stylesheets:
  487             href = '%s/%s/css/%s.css' % (prefix,, basename)
  488             html.append(link % (self.stylesheetsCharset, media, href))
media undefined, basename undefined, stylesheets = (('rightsidebarsmaller', 'utf-8', 'all', 'common'), ('rightsidebarsmaller', 'utf-8', 'screen', 'screen'), ('rightsidebarsmaller', 'utf-8', 'print', 'print'), ('rightsidebarsmaller', 'utf-8', 'projection', 'projection'))

ValueError: unpack tuple of wrong size
      __doc__ = 'Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).'
      __getitem__ = <bound method ValueError.__getitem__ of <exceptions.ValueError instance>>
      __init__ = <bound method ValueError.__init__ of <exceptions.ValueError instance>>
      __module__ = 'exceptions'
      __str__ = <bound method ValueError.__str__ of <exceptions.ValueError instance>>
      args = ('unpack tuple of wrong size',)

Steps to reproduce

  1. do this...



MoinMoin Version

1.3.3, 1.3.4

OS and Version

Python Version

Server Setup

Server Details



This is not a MoinMoin bug, but it looks like you use a theme that is not made for the moin version you use.

You should provide more details in your bug report.

See Fixing Pre 1.3.3 Themes

There's 2 versions of the theme on the Moin Moin theme page. One labelled 1.3.1 and one labelled 1.3.3.

The one labelled 1.3.3 is the one you want and this is compatible with your Moin Moin version 1.3.3 or 1.3.4. Download the file: -- -- JulianYap 2005-10-25 10:11:45



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/ValueErrorunpack tuple of wrong size (last edited 2007-10-29 19:12:48 by localhost)