Caching issues
Hi Zoran, I have observed the following minor issues in 1.5. Maybe you want to have a look at this. I'm using Firefox 2.0 in case it is browser related:
FIXED: 1.) After I have logged out I can still vote and the vote counts. It then jumps to the very beginning of the page and reloads it. After that no votes are possible anymore until I re-login. This happens with 1.5rc1 (switch to disallow anonymous voting set) and 1.5rc2.
I am using Moin 1.3.4 desktop edition and I just retried these steps with it (and Firefox 2.0), but I could not reproduce the effect. (The effect I do get, but only on one computer so far, is that the cookie does not get deleted at all.) However, if you get the chance to try it with an 1.3.x version of moin and DO get the effect there, too, please let me know. In the mean time, I'll install moin 1.5 and try it there. Cheers -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-07 16:18:26
Ok, I'm running Moin 1.5.8 on a Windows 2003 Server with Apache and authentication via LDAP and Moin Cookies (in that order). So it might actually be related to that somehow. -- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-08 00:25:31
I checked this with Moin Desktop 1.5.5a-1 (the latest available
). Indeed, it seems to be an issue related to Moin somehow: After logging out in Moin 1.5, Moin's User API still returns the data (like and user.exists()) of the user that just logged out - but only during the very first HTTP request. On the other hand, I wonder how the "logout" link changes to "login" immediately then... I'll need to investigate some more... -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-08 04:15:56
Workaround found -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-08 05:59:09
Zoran, I have tried with 1.5rc4. It looks still the same except that the vote is not counted anymore. But I still don't get the usual error message and it still jumps to the top and reloads the page. I guess that's what you meant with workaround. So, yeah fine for me
-- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-09 02:45:26
I never could reproduce that "jump-and-reload" behavior, just the thing about "anonymous-rating-allowed-once". What I meant was: I found a workaround for the MoinMoin misbehavior described above, but that workaround actually fixed your "anonymous-rating-allowed-once" issue. The "jump-and-relaod" thing remains mysterious to me. -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-09 06:28:17
CANNOT REPRODUCE: 2.) In 1.5rc2 after I have changed the template to display the number of votes in the rating I have again a caching issue. The number of votes seems never to be displayed for anonymous users (is this intended?). However, after I login I also don't get the vote number. Only after refreshing the page the votes are displayed. When I log out again the number of votes are still displayed and I'm allowed to vote until refresh (see 1).
Not displaying the numbers of votes in "anonymous mode" is encoded in the template, and though I had no particular reason not to display that information, you could say it is "intended".
Joke. I probably just forgot to add it.
I'll change it to show up in either mode. Thanks.
Regarding the other effect, it's the same as above. I could not reproduce that one either with moin 1.3.4. (On the other hand, I did post the rating system to the 1.3 section in the extension market actually, so ...
) -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-07 16:18:26
This effect does not always show and I consider this similar to the first one. Anyway, it's not really important. It just confused me, so I mentioned it. But when thinking about it you cannot really do much harm there, because this would only occur if the user has logged in before. -- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-08 00:25:31
Unfortunately, I could not reproduce this one on my Moin Desktop 1.5.5a-1 either (I'm running it on a Win2000 server though). After logging in, I am immediately able to rate and see everything. Though the issue seemed closely related to the 1st one, it now seems something else. Weird stuff... -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-08 04:15:56
Forget about it. I can also not reproduce this anymore. Whatever it was it's gone. -- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-09 02:45:26
FIXED: 3.) The display of too many decimals is a bit annoying, e.g. (total: 3.66666666667). I think 3 decimal places would be enough or maybe another configuration option can help if one really needs more. This was already the case in the 1.0 release, but now that there is more space needed for the other info, e.g. 'mine:3.0' its simply more eye catching.
Yeah. That one is annoying me, too. I just considered it low prio... -- ZoranIsailovski
2007-11-07 16:18:26
Fixed -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-08 05:59:09
It shows now only one decimal place for logged-in users, e.g. 3.3: mine: 3. However, anonymous users still see the long numbers (after refresh), e.g. 3.33333333333 out of 3 votes.
Now really fixed, I hope. -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-09 06:28:17
Regards -- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-07 03:45:00
FIXED: 4.) In addition, probably related to the changes for (3.) anonymous users can see the number of votes, no matter how SHOW_ATTENDANCE_IN_FORM is configured. Logged-in users on the other hand never see the number of votes, no matter how SHOW_ATTENDANCE_IN_FORM is configured (I tried True and False). I have removed the old directory completely and deleted the cache to make sure I really used 1.5rc4. Please, check again on this. -- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-09 02:45:26
Hmm, that last one sentence sounds a lot like project managers sound...
Anyway: Finally, I fixed that last one, too. You are welcome! -- ZoranIsailovski (who is missing the nice American way of showing appreciation a little bit lately). 2007-11-09
Sorry about that Zoran, I was a bit tired yesterday. I really do appreciate your nice work and the quick responses and patches
If I had you in my project we would probably have finished it 3 weeks ago already and not have to test late night until the very last day before the deadline. So, please bear with me. I apologize for the "sound". I'll re-test tonight after I have delivered my product and I promise I will be more relaxed than
-- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-09 11:42:30
Zoran, I have now tested with 1.5rc5 and everything looks good.
FIXED: Just one small thing: Anonymous users who are not allowed to vote see now the following text: (total: 3.67 out of 3 votes; mine: none yet). Before it was only (total: 3.67 out of 3 votes) which makes more sense IMHO. Anyway great work. I personally hope you can solve the licencing issues with the MoinMoin team, so it gets included in one of the future versions
-- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-09 22:31:59
I have fixed the "mine: none yet" thing now. Anke, many many thanks for your unremitting input. I hope everything went well with your project. (I think so, because you really did appear more relaxed.
) -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-10 23:55:29
Yep, works! That really is a piece of mature software now! And yes, my project is finished (just in time)
-- AnkeHeinrich 2007-11-11 02:03:41
Rights to change the rating
I was trying to use it on my privat site ( the main problems are, that I want either:
- see wich user changed the points/stars from e.g. 3 to 5 points (so it would evolve to a kind of user rating system with history) or
REJECTED - would break anonymity principle -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-08 06:22:09
- preventing over acl; that only the "site creator" or "admin" can change it (but the rest of the page should stay writeable for the public).
REJECTED due to lack of comprehensible information -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-08 06:22:09
bye MarcelHäfner
Hi Marcel, and thanks for your feedback. Though... I don't quite see the issue in the rating system?!? I mean, if you only wanted rating rights for yourself (as site admin), then it's not a rating - it's a 5-star display only.
Regarding the visibility of ratings in the edit log: I'm very ambivalent about this. In general, ratings should be anonymous, so showing who rated what and how in the edit log (or anywhere else) contradicts that idea. On the other hand, there are situations when such information may be useful (see the doodle discussion). Perhaps I just don't quite get your intention with the rating system. If you 'd like to explain it, I might be able to help.
Cheers -- ZoranIsailovski 2007-11-04 17:23:11
Hi Zoran; sorry, but got no time to write my idea in some usefull way down. anyway my message should go under questions and definitly not Issues/Bugs. So it's ok to reject it! thx -- MarcelHäfner 2007-11-08 07:14:04