In order to see the timing values of the MoinMoin web engine, you can enable a footer line with timing statistics by setting the parameter "show_timings = True" in

But this line overlaps with the footer "wiki_summary". Also the line " MoinMoin Powered, Python Powered, GPL licensed, Valid HTML 4.01" gets lost.

In order to get the wiki summary writing non overlaping, change in MoinMoin/web/staic/htdocs/explorer/css/screen.css (Moin V.1.9) in the "footer" line "wiki_summary" margin: 0px; to 3px.


                                                                            272 pages, 2 categories, 382 attachments, size: 21.42 MB
Page.execute = 0.000s|init = 0.000s|load_multi_cfg = 0.000s|run = 0.265s|send_page = 0.265s|send_page_content = 0.109s|total = 0.265s

2009-12-19 RudolfReuter

MoinMoin: ThemeMarket/Explorer/Bugs/MoinTimingsWikiSummaryOverlap (last edited 2009-12-19 08:06:36 by RudolfReuter)