Theme Name Not Changeable

If you rename the theme without having the original explorer theme installed, then the script called explorer.js will not be found. This is because the path explorer is hard-coded in the python source.

Proposed Fix

    def externalScript(self, name):
        # Overwritten from ThemeBase
        """ Format external script html """
        # modified to supply an additional script file
        return '%s\n<script type="text/javascript" src="%s/explorer/js/explorer.js"></script>' % (ThemeBase.externalScript(self, name), self.cfg.url_prefix_static)

    def externalScript(self, name):
        # Overwritten from ThemeBase
        """ Format external script html """
        # modified to supply an additional script file
        return '%s\n<script type="text/javascript" src="%s/%s/js/explorer.js"></script>' % (ThemeBase.externalScript(self, name), self.cfg.url_prefix_static,

MoinMoin: ThemeMarket/Explorer/Bugs/ThemeNameNotChangeable (last edited 2008-12-08 18:55:41 by TonyMcDow)