- Stackless Python
- MoinMoin with WSGI can't find datadir
- Desktop MoinMoin on USB memory stick accessible on Windows and Mac
- Configuring DocBook rendering
- Themes
- Install at provider
- Farm on the intranet
- Apache2: where to put the stuff that goes in httpd.conf
- Enable RSS feed for RecentChanges
- No CSS on standalone wiki on lighttpd
- vs.
- cgiwrap gives ugly URLs, can it be fixed?
- Problems with permissions? (WinXP SP2, Apache2.2.2, Moin1.5.3)
- Upgrade from Desktop edition to standard edition with Apache and retain URLs
- Desktop Wiki on a Memory Stick
- AMD64 Version?
- Another way for Root Wiki?
- Cannot get themes to work
- Problems starting moin (initial install)
- Changing the URL
- Updating from 1.0 to 1.3.5/1.5.0
- After installing 1.5.1 over 1.5.0 the subscription is gone
- How to install a moinmoin wiki farm
- How to move a wiki instance from one machine to another
- Installation via FTP
- IIS questions
- 404 error
- 500 error
- Configuring a wiki at with mod_python
- Quota exceeded on Linux ISP while installing - can I remove unwanted languages?
- Processing HTML
- and moin.cgi
- How to Upgrade from 1.3.5 to 1.5.0
- Installing on Fedora: permission denied & SELinux
- Installing moinmoin on hosted webserver
- Installing moinmoin
- Import Error
- Hosted Webserver / MoinMoin generates dysfunctional links
- Problem when installing on Windows XP with Apache 2.2.4 and Python 2.5
- Need dictionary file
- Going crazy trying to upgrade
- error: package directory 'MoinMoin' does not exist
- Embed external non-wiki page
- Problems installing (Windows XP SP2, Apache 2.2.2, Python 2.5.1)
- Migration from 1.3.3 to 1.5.8
- Using MoinMoin on smartphone (symbian) via Raccoon
- Migration from 1.5.7 to 1.6.0
- manual update to 1.6.0
- Permission denied when trying to migrate data
- Problems Moving Moin to another server
- It´s not that easy getting a standalone to work
- Problems with basic installation
- Is it possible to change/add themes without access to /wiki/ directory?
- Problem installing with linux + lighttpd + fastcgi + unix socket + site directory (not subdomain).
- Just installed MoinMoin v1.8.0 and the GUI editor isn't working
- Guide for MoinMoin on a memory stick?
- Is there a way to change global variables?
- GUI Editor not installed/configured??
- After upgrade MoinMoin 1.6 --> 1.81 edit page no more possible
- After upgrade one of the farms fails to import theme module
- Upgrading Moin Moin from 1.5.5 to 1.8.4
- Upgrade messed up the GUI editor and appearance of pages
- SiteNavigation page missing from underlay in 1.9.0
- Cannot register new account -- 1.8.7 fresh install
- No help pages in 1.9.1?
- Need help on url
- Unable to install Moin Moin 1.9.3 on a hosted server
- Using '/' as the "script name"
- upgrade, then unable to find data_dir
Stackless Python
Does MoinMoin Support Stackless Python explizit or are there any known issues? On MoinMoin 1.8.3 (Standalone Server) with Python 2.5.2 Stackless under Windows XP it works and I couldn't find in a short test any errors or traceback.
Python Version 2.5.2 Stackless 3.1b3 060516 (release25-maint:63825M, May 30 2008, 21:23:25) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
any feedbacks would be nice -- MarcelHäfner 2009-05-06 16:25:41
Answering myself: Stackless should be 100% compatible for use of normal Python code. If you have Stackless installed and you use Python code which does not make any use of the Stackless functionality, that code should behave exactly the same as it would in a normal Python installation
MoinMoin with WSGI can't find datadir
I have set up moinmoin 1.8.2 with cgi successfully. My Config-Files, the moin.cgi, the data dir,.. are all in the folder /web/thiswiki/ . For cgi I used this apache config:
Alias /moin_css/ "/usr/share/moin/htdocs/" ScriptAlias /thiswiki /web/thiswiki/moin.cgi
which worked. Now I installed and loaded the apache WSGI-Mod. I tried this apache-config:
WSGIScriptAlias /thiswiki /web/thiswiki/moin.wsgi WSGIDaemonProcess thiswiki user=www-data group=www-data home=/home/www-data processes=5 threads=10 maximum-requests=1000 umask=0007 display-name=wsgi-moin WSGIProcessGroup thiswiki WSGIPassAuthorization On
WSGI is correctly loaded by apache. But If I wanna now access the wiki I'm always getting the error:
data_dir "data" does not exist, or has incorrect ownership or permissions. Make sure the directory and the subdirectory "pages" are owned by the web server and are readable, writable and executable by the web server user and group. It is recommended to use absolute paths and not relative paths. Check also the spelling of the directory name. Error in your configuration file "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/config/" around line 189
But the data folder has the correct permissions and the WSGI-processes have the correct owner www-data. Any idea what goes wrong here?
show us the line of moin.wsgi you changed to point to the path of your and also show us the data = line of that -- ReimarBauer 2009-04-15 11:36:38
Please also report the actual mode of the data directory (e.g. drwxr-xr-x), the owner (at least whether or not it is the web server agent). You can use 'bash> ls -l ...' on the data directory to learn its mode and owner. You can use 'bash> grep -E '(User|Group) ' /etc/apache*/*.conf to learn the web server agent user and group, 2009-05-09 23:23:12
drwxr----- and dependent on your configuration www-data.www-data as owner is mandatory. -- ReimarBauer 2009-05-10 06:31:35
I had this same issue. For me the relative paths that had worked didn't when using wsgi. I had to change the data_dir and data_underlay_dir in to use the absolute path as suggested. Hope this helps anyone looking for an answer to this question, as I was.
Possible Resolution (for Linux): I've found that MoinMoin using mod_wsgi will work after disabling SELinux or, at least, changing to the enforcement to "Permissive". I was getting this same error using mod_wsgi. I tried using moin.cgi, which generated different but informative error message. Based on that error, I decided to disable SELinux. Afterwards, moin.cgi and moin.wsgi worked perfectly. This is a workaround, as it disables additional security features in Linux -- (Someone can reword/reformat this to better fit the context. I just wanted to make sure others were able to resolve this issue in the future -- CMD)
The correct way would be:
- restorecon -FvR /path/to/your/wiki
- setsebool -P httpd_unified 1
- setsebool -P allow_httpd_anon_write 1
I completely can't avoid this error on Mac OS X Lion. Using CGI, I tried lots of different paths and directories for "data". Error still exists. Check it, please. Please join us on #moin, see MoinMoinChat if you don't have a client. Please prepare a pastebin with your config and verify that you modified the right. You get the config used in SystemInfo as superuser or in the server log.
The default 1.9.7 doesn't seem to set up the data_dir and data_underlay_dir correctly. Therefore I needed to fix the permissions, then:
- cd /usr/local/share/moin/config
- ln -s ../data
- ln -s ../data_underlay ('ln -s ../underlay' for 1.9.8)
-- Jeremy 2013-06-24
Desktop MoinMoin on USB memory stick accessible on Windows and Mac
Is it possible to run the same desktop wiki from the memory stick once on Windows XP PC and later on Mac and back? What I should do to be able to do so?
- You would need to have the python builds for both Mac OS X and Windows on the stick in different directories, then have two scripts that launch with the respective python binaries. For example: root_of_stick:\winstart.cmd, root_of_stick/, root_of_stick:\python27_win\, root_of_stick\python27_mac\
winstart.cmd: python27_win\python.exe python27_mac/python
Then point your browser @ http://localhost:8080/ @sig@
Configuring DocBook rendering
I've followed the instructions at HelpOnXmlPages, but cannot get the DocBook renderer to work. I'm running on a Windows Server 2003 box (IIS ver 6.0), and have MoinMoin 1.5.8, Python 2.5.1 and 4Suite-XML 1.0.2 installed. XSLT is enabled, everything according to the setup instructions.
However, when I click on 'Render as DocBook', I get the 'You need to install PyXML to use the DocBook formatter' error. Is there something I'm missing? I'm not a Python expert, so I'm struggling to trace the error and see whats going wrong. Any ideas?
Keith Fletcher, 2007-10-19
I have the same trouble with bulleted lists as described above (no scheme is being shown). But I cannot find any reason or solution. I am running Suse Linux 10.1 as admin. Wiki itself is working fine.
My wiki is called DaCapo and stored at /wiki/DaCapo
My Apache-Entry:
Alias /wiki/ "/usr/share/moin/htdocs/" ScriptAlias /DaCapo "/wiki/DaCapo/cgi-bin/moin.cgi" <Location /DaCapo> order deny,allow deny from all allow from localhost allow from AuthType Basic satisfy any </Location>
My setting to /wiki/DaCapo/cgi-bin/moin.cgi
sys.path.insert(0, '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ ') sys.path.insert(0, '/wiki/DaCapo')
My entries:
logo_string = u'<img src="/wiki/DaCapo/DaCapo.png">' data_dir = '/wiki/DaCapo/data/' data_underlay_dir = '/wiki/DaCapo/underlay/' url_prefix = '/wiki'
If I try http://localhost/wiki/modern/css/screen.css then I get "access denied".
Could anybody help me? Thank you very much, Matthias
Finally I found the error. To others having the same problem: Please check HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnLinux (does no longer exist >> Apache docu) at the end. The following worked fine within httpd.conf
Alias /wiki/ "/usr/share/moin/htdocs/" <Directory "/usr/share/moin/htdocs/"> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> ScriptAlias /DaCapo "/wiki/DaCapo/cgi-bin/moin.cgi" <Directory "/wiki/DaCapo/cgi-bin/"> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory>
Install at provider
I have a personal homepage hosted at a provider. Updating is easy done by uploading the HTML and PHP code. I don't have access to /usr or similar directories. How do I install MoinMoin there ?
-- Thomas 2007-03-04 15:21:01
Ok - i did a workaround: In installed moinmoin on my home-PC's home directory: /home/myname. It took some time to figure qout which files to edit and how. Finally I had a wiki running at http://localhost/:8000 using the moinmoin-internal server. Should be easy to transfer that to my home-directory at my provider - I thought. I copied all moinmoin directories from my local home directory to my provider. I then edited all config files as described for the cgi installation. Finally I ended with this error message:
- - 1 CGI returned nonzero status Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/kunden/homepages/...morepathinfo.../cgi-bin/moin.cgi", line 44, in ?
from MoinMoin.request import RequestCGI
ImportError: No module named MoinMoin.request STDOUT OK STDERR OK -- Thomas 2007-03-04 15:21:01
- File "/kunden/homepages/...morepathinfo.../cgi-bin/moin.cgi", line 44, in ?
Farm on the intranet
- I am working on setting up various wikis for different departments on the company intranet. I was able to get a single wiki working without much trouble. I am using standalone and I am having trouble setting up correctly or I am incorrect in the way I think it will work. I have modifed my wikis = [...
wikis = [ ("ProductionDeveloper", r"^server/proddev/.*$"), ("ApplicationDeveloper", r"^server/appdev/.*$"), ]
- I am getting errors
Could not find a match for url: "server/FindPage". Check your URL regular expressions in the "wikis" list in "".
Could not find a match for url: "server/proddev?action=edit". Check your URL regular expressions in the "wikis" list in "".
- Am I configuring the wiki farm to only work on sub pages? Can I create a farm like above or do I have to have something like below:
wikis = [ ("ProductionDeveloper", r"^proddev.server/.*$"), ("ApplicationDeveloper", r"^appdev.server/*$"), ]
- I apologize for posting 3 times. I wanted to try to convey my problem as clearly as possible. It appears that my regular expression is incorrect. I have modified it in many ways and I am not getting the desired results.
Thank you for your time in advance BobStrickland 2006-04-18
Apache2: where to put the stuff that goes in httpd.conf
I tried following the readme to get MoinMoin to work, but it tells me to put some stuff into httpd.conf, which is the apache1 way of doing things. When I did it anyways, it didn't work. So, where in the apache2 config do I put this:
Alias /wiki "/usr/share/moin/htdocs/" ScriptAlias /MyWiki "/var/www/moin/moin.cgi"
I think: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
-- kamagurka 2006-08-24 09:24:20
For IP-based hosting, try /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/Vhosts.conf and for name-based, try /etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/nameBased/whatever.conf. Hope that helps.
To store user options there should be a file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf beside the file apache2.conf. You can then put the stuff in httpd.conf and it will be respected by apache after a restart of the Service /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
If this file is not present and is not respected after creation just put the lines in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
A better way may be the use of a virtual host, so you get rid of the /mywiki/ addition to the URL. So it looks like instead of
-- RalfMoerler 2008-05-16 07:07:30
Enable RSS feed for RecentChanges
I have converted a Wiki from an ancient (pre 1.0) version to the latest one. It seems to work fine, but I don't get an RSS feed for the RecentChanges. Do I need to explicitly enable anything for this to work? -- twm 2025-03-11 10:00:14
To answer my own question:
The rss feed is only available if you use a recent version of python (2.5?), or if the pyXML package is installed. No additional configuration is required. -- twm
No CSS on standalone wiki on lighttpd
I've followed the guide FastCGI to the letter, but I get no CSS while it still find the themes. How do I make the server find the htdocs directory?
- You need to add an alias like this in your lighttpd.conf
$HTTP["host"] == "localhost" { alias.url += ( "/wiki/" => "/the/path/to/htdocs/" ) } vs.
When I view in my Browser everything works fine. But when I omit the last slash (i.e. I don't start on my page_front_page and MoinMoin complains that the page cgi-bin/moin.cgi does not exist yet. What did I do wrong? What info do you need to help?
Is it possible that there is an extra slash in the apache conf corresponding to the following line from HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnLinux?
ScriptAlias /mywiki /usr/local/share/moin/mywiki/cgi-bin/moin.cgi
2009-05-09 07:07:30
cgiwrap gives ugly URLs, can it be fixed?
I am on a host that requires using cgiwrap so moin.cgi runs as my userid, saving the caches and pages so they can be edited by that same userid (I can't edit pages saved by the httpd user). My wiki URLs look like this:
I have no trouble using mod_rewrite in my .htaccess to rewrite /wiki/FrontPage to the above ugly URL, but the links in the wiki pages all still have that long ugly form (I guess moin.cgi is looking at its own URL and using that as the base for the links). Is there a way in the config file or by changing the code to have the wiki links use my /wiki/FooPage syntax? -- GaryOberbrunner
Try editing your CGI script (moin.cgi) so that the properties in the Config class are as follows:
properties = {'script_name': '/wiki/'}
This should tell MoinMoin to use something else for constructing URLs. -- PaulBoddie
Problems with permissions? (WinXP SP2, Apache2.2.2, Moin1.5.3)
I've just installed the latest version of Moin-1.5.3 on a WinXP machine (SP2) running a fresh installation of Apache2.2.2. I appear to be getting the following problem reported in Apache's error.log file:
[error] [client] client denied by server configuration: C:/Server/Moin/mywiki/moin.cgi
When checking moin.cgi (by saving as and running in Python IDE) the following error results:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Python24\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\", line 1372, in __init__ msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdin.fileno(), os.O_BINARY) IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
Just wondering if anyone has come across this error before, it appears that there might be a permissions clash, however the installation/ has ensured that all created directories are read-only. I've attempted to change these, however they return to read-only after the change is "complete" - what Moin directories/files specifically require read/write access?
I've also checked all paths etc and everything looks about right to me... can someone help here?
I do think this is mainly caused by your apache configuration. Have you read Please provide your apache config file if this does not help. -- MichaelRau 2006-05-04 18:10:42
Thanks Michael, from your link below it appears that the configuration file (httpd.conf) of the Apache 2.2 (2.2.2) install might be the problem here... You've indicated that the additional security in this updated release might be the conflict (which causes the document root for the virtual host to become inaccessible)... Can you clarify your resolution for me however... you suggest commenting out the access configuration stuff (what exactly are you referring too here?), or a better solution, to add "Order deny,allow Deny from all" to the virtual host block... Sorry to be a dum dum here, but can you explicitly outline what you suggest here? I am able to browse the default file in the htdocs directory, just not the (mywiki) sub directory... -- Thanks Paul 2006-05-04 07:30:56
I have not seen your httpd.conf file (read But I think, that the order directive is wrong (read Here are the important directives in my httpd.conf file.
AddHandler cgi-script .py <Directory "%root%/home"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> # ============================================================================== # MoinMoin wiki # ============================================================================== Alias /wiki/ "%root%/Python24/share/moin/htdocs/" ScriptAlias /emnosWiki "%root%/home/Moin/emnosWiki/moin.cgi" <Directory "%root%/home/Moin/emnosWiki/"> AllowOverride All Allow From All Options +ExecCGI </Directory>
-- MichaelRau 2006-05-04 21:32:41
It appears after completing the suggestions above to the Apache conf file, the error is now a (500 Internal Server error) with the error log indicating:
[error] [client] (OS 2)The system cannot find the file specified. : couldn't create child process: 720002: moin.cgi [error] [client] (OS 2)The system cannot find the file specified. : couldn't spawn child process: C:/Server/Moin/mywiki/moin.cgi
Any more suggestions? I think/hope it's getting closer... -- Paul 2006-05-08 03:30:56
Thanks for the clarification here Michael, it was indeed my shebang statement in the moin.cgi file. As Python sets itself in the system path during install "#!python" does indeed work. I've now managed to hit another "permissions" error, this time the Apache error.log file reports:
[error] [client] client denied by server configuration: C:/Program Files/Python24/share/moin/htdocs/common/js/common.js, referer: http://bs4x51s-hf/mywiki/ [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: C:/Program Files/Python24/share/moin/htdocs/modern/css/common.css, referer: http://bs4x51s-hf/mywiki/ [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: C:/Program Files/Python24/share/moin/htdocs/modern/css/screen.css, referer: http://bs4x51s-hf/mywiki/ [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: C:/Program Files/Python24/share/moin/htdocs/modern/css/print.css, referer: http://bs4x51s-hf/mywiki/ [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: C:/Program Files/Python24/share/moin/htdocs/modern/css/projection.css, referer: http://bs4x51s-hf/mywiki/ [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: C:/Program Files/Python24/share/moin/htdocs/common/moinmoin.png, referer: http://bs4x51s-hf/mywiki/ [error] [client] sys:1: DeprecationWarning: Non-ASCII character '\\xfc' in file C:/Server/Moin/mywiki/moin.cgi on line 10, but no encoding declared; see for details\r
The default wiki page is viewable, however the stylesheets and icons are not accessible, and consequently, the page looks a little more chaotic than it should...
Michael I've made incorrect assumptions before, so (instead of guessing) I'm wondering if you can shed some light on this error, and possibly help me on the way to a shiny new fully-functioning wiki 1.5.3
-- Paul 2006-05-09 23:47:41
Maybe I'm starting to learn something here...
Additional to the Moin directory C:/Server/Moin/mywiki the htdocs dir C:/Program Files/Python24/share/moin/htdocs/ also needs it's directives changed (like below, appended to the end of the httpd.conf file):
# MoinMoin installation 13.21 9/5/2006 # Following values appended to the default Apache httpd.conf file Alias /wiki/ "C:/Program Files/Python24/share/moin/htdocs/" ScriptAlias /mywiki "C:/Server/Moin/mywiki/moin.cgi" <Directory "C:/Server/Moin/mywiki/"> AllowOverride All Allow From All Options +ExecCGI </Directory> <Directory "C:/Program Files/Python24/share/moin/htdocs/"> AllowOverride All Allow From All Options +ExecCGI </Directory>
Mike, are there any dramas with giving this level of access to both directories?
Thanks for all your assistance -- Paul 2006-05-09 03:25:41
Upgrade from Desktop edition to standard edition with Apache and retain URLs
Running Desktop edition (with Python installed) for a year. Love it. Want to upgrade to Apache for improved performance. (Vanilla CGI will be plenty; don't need mod_python or fastcgi.) However, following the standard instructions to install MoinMoin under Apache results in different URLs for all the pages, which would break all bookmarks.
Desktop edition looks as though the server is dedicated to that application, at least on the chosen port. So
goes directly to FrontPage, as desired. And a typical page in the wiki is at
When I install under Apache, I seem to need to identify the name of the wiki in the URL all the time. (I've done this as an experiment, not yet on the live system.) So now
goes to the Apache webroot/index.html rather than to the wiki. To get to the front page of the wiki, I need
and internal pages are like
That is, the "mywiki/" element needs to appear in every URL. Lots of users have stored bookmarks without the wikiname in them, and I would like not to break them all. How do I setup Aliases or VirtualHosts or whatever in Apache to get the same behavior as the old Desktop edition?
Help, please. Thanks in advance. -- RickLandau 2007-05-11 13:35:33
Use a virtual host on apache, so you get rid of the appendix to the URL. I read in some places that using mod_rewrite and .htaccess is the solution but the apache site recommends using virtual hosts instead of .htaccess rewrites because this causes additional server usage by querying the directories for the .htaccess files.
Here's a sample that works for me on our Intranet. (Replace the <variables> with your values)
NameVirtualHost <IP-Adress>:<Port> <VirtualHost <IP-Adress>:<Port>> ServerName <> ServerAdmin <YourMailAdressHere> Alias /wiki /usr/share/moin/htdocs ScriptAlias / </your/wiki/cgi-bin/>moin.cgi/ ErrorLog </var/log/apache2/wiki_error.log> LogLevel warn CustomLog </var/log/apache2/wiki_access.log combined> ServerSignature On </VirtualHost>
Also take a look at the Apache documentation for your Version.
-- RalfMoerler 2008-05-16 07:07:30
Desktop Wiki on a Memory Stick
Is it advisable to store the whole installation directory of the Desktop Edition on a memory stick? I would like to have it portable and since those sticks are now large enough, that sounds like a good idea. But what about writing cycles? Can I/should I maybe disable caching?
yes, you could put DE on a stick, works fine. Do you speak on caching for the wiki or for the stick? -- ReimarBauer 2006-01-08 13:59:22
Caching for the wiki. I was thinking about limiting the storage space required. Since I don't know how moinmoin works, I am concerned about the limited number of writing cycles of those media. It might write something to the same area of the stick over and over again and killing it within a few weeks by doing that.
btw. better you add next time questions at the end of this text. -- ReimarBauer 2006-01-08 13:59:22
I thought adding it in front was what was expected since it says "Add your new questions here" there. I have just added "(at the end)"
AMD64 Version?
Is there a version of MoinMoin which will run on an AMD64 computer running Fedora Core 4? Thanks!
Do you mean that you're looking for an RPM? Otherwise, try installing the tarball using the instructions on this site. For "standalone" mode, it's fairly easy on any OS including Linux. -- TomPurl 2025-03-11 10:00:14
Thanks! I've got it up and running. I was pretty sure that it would work, but I'm really short of time and thought that I had better be proactive in posting a question.
Another way for Root Wiki?
I use mod python and the following Apache setup allow me to do root wiki without moinmodpy
RewriteEngine On RewriteLogLevel 0 RewriteRule ^/robots.txt - [last] RewriteRule ^/wiki/ - [last] RewriteRule ^/images/ - [last] RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/ - [last] # User Dir RewriteRule ^/~(.*) - [last] # Root Wiki RewriteRule ^/?(.*) /mywiki/$1 [last] <Files mywiki> # Use mod_python as handler SetHandler python-program # set the path to the MoinMoin package and to the # PythonPath "['/path/to/moin/lib/python','/path/to/moin/config']+sys.path" PythonPath "['/var/www/localhost/mywiki']+sys.path" # choose the ModPy Request class as handler PythonHandler </Files>
It seems to work fine for me now. Is there any problem or limitation with using this method?
- What do you mean by "without moinmodpy"?
Cannot get themes to work
My default install of MoinMoin has no theme. Everything that would normally be in a sidebar or along the top just appears as plain-looking text. Menu items are in a bulleted list. My install must be screwed up somehow (file locations or permissions) but so far I've not been able to find the problem.
Some details:
- Running SuSE linux version 9 on an x86
Installed MoinMoin to the directory /srv/www/MoinMoin
- moin.cgi contains the following paths:
- sys.path.insert(0, '/home/USERNAME/WikiData/WIKINAME')
- sys.path.insert(0, '/srv/www/MoinMoin/lib/python2.3/site-packages')
- My user profile page lists the three standard themes (classic, modern, and rightsidebar) but no matter which one I choose things still look ugly.
- All the features seem to work fine, just the formatting is messed up.
Can someone offer suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?
Thanks! --SteveDavison
Obviously your /wiki (?) url_prefix doesn't work or your apache alias configuration doesn't match the moin url_prefix configuration. You can try this without moin by accessing http://server/wiki/modern/css/screen.css (it should show some css source code in that case). -- ThomasWaldmann 2006-01-19 08:34:00
--> Solution:
Went through all the installation instructions again... I had missed the step to set up an alias in Apache that points to the moin htdocs... Once I added this, everything worked beautifully. (I think in this case, "/srv/www/MoinMoin/" is what is referred to as my MoinMoin "prefix"?)Alias /wiki/ /srv/www/MoinMoin/share/moin/htdocs/
Problems starting moin (initial install)
Q1. I am trying to create a standalone moinmoin wiki on a linode running debian and apache. I have python 2.3 and 2.4. I am using 2.4 for this installation.
I installed to /var/www/moin_python2.4/ in /var/www/moin_python2.4/ the folders are bin, lib, share, test_wiki.
In /var/www/moin_python2.4/share/moin/config/ there is a file and also in /var/www/moin_python2.4/share/moin/test_wiki there is a file.
I am not sure which I should modify and i am supposed to move the to the place where is but there are two locations so which should I move it to? Where should I copy the file from and what changes to I need to make to it? Also do I need to save it to /usr/bin/env or somewhere?
Q2. I am trying to create a standalone moinmoin wiki on a linux machine running debian. Following the instructions on, i did a 'python install --prefix=$HOME/PersonalWiki/MoinMoin'. Then I followed the instructions here to create an instance of the wiki. Then I followed the instruction here on copying to this directory and inserting the required paths. When I run I get the following
Usage: moin [command] [general options] command subcommand [specific options] ... FATAL ERROR: You must specify a command module and name: ...
- Then I tried running 'python server standalone'. It gives
.... File "/home/ganesh/PersonalWiki/MoinMoin/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/server/", line 70, in __init__ . "setting and permissions." % RuntimeError: Can't access docs directory '/usr/share/moin/htdocs'. Check docs setting and permissions.
I tried changing the Defaults in the Config class, it wouldn't work !
A: If you want a standalone wiki, just download the current MoinMoin release, uncompress it, run ./ and you're done.
Changing the URL
Q: I am using the standalone setup and I want the entire wiki to have a base url, eg rather then the current
Is this possible? If so, how?
A: I did it by editing the '' file and the 'httpd.conf' files to point to the new url I wanted, then I manually used the rename function to move the pages over. I guess that would only be of help if there are not too many pages! I do, however, believe that renaming pages can be done as a batch process - but I've never attempted it.
You should probably check which SCRIPT_NAME value your web servers passes to MoinMoin via (F)CGI, e.g. by using a test script like printenv. MoinMoin uses this request variable to determine a suitable prefix ('base' URL). If it doesn't match your specific expectations / needs, a rather crude hack is to simply overwrite it in moin.cgi or using something like
os.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/foo'
(This may be feasible for small, local wikis - but is probably not a good idea for larger installations.) See: -- bnortmann 2013-08-09 09:22:51
A: I did this under Nginx using Gunicorn as the WSGI server, with the wiki instance served from a subdirectory of the root URL on the site. The configuration for this case was web server and WSGI server dependent and not clearly documented. MoinMoin deployment in the case that the wiki is served from the root of a site is simplistic and works with very little additional configuration; when served from a URL prefix, additional steps are needed:
A location block should be configured in Nginx to handle the URI path on the server from which MoinMoin will be served.
The proxy_pass directive should be accompanied by at least a proxy_set_header directive that adds a SCRIPT_NAME header with the value of the URI prefix in order to pass it to the Gunicorn.
The url_prefix_static option in the MoinMoin wiki instance configuration should be modified to include the same URI prefix.
A working Nginx configuration sample to deploy a MoinMoin wiki from is as follows:
location /wiki/home { try_files $uri @wiki_home_rewrite; } location @wiki_home_rewrite { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header SCRIPT_NAME /wiki/home; proxy_redirect off; proxy_pass; }
Rather terse documentation on this required variable set via request header is referenced at
Updating from 1.0 to 1.3.5/1.5.0
We are running a MoinMoin-Wiki at Version 1.0. Now we plan to upgrade the Wiki to the current release, but I've noticed some basic changes (pathes, encoding). Is there an existing script for migrating old data to the new format?
- Get the archive of the new version you want to use (e.g. latest release), read docs/CHANGES starting from the version you use. You will find a pointer to README.migration which answers your question.
After installing 1.5.1 over 1.5.0 the subscription is gone
There is no menu entry for "subscription" and also the subscribed pages from the UserPreferences are gone. I did just an "emerge =moinmoin-1.5.1 && /etc/init.d/apache2 reload". Any hint? -- -- TobiasPolzin 2006-01-30 20:17:40
Is mail right configured, do check if mail_from in your configuration is right used -- ReimarBauer 2006-01-30 20:27:10
Thanks! Yes, Moinmoin 1.5.0 did not care, but 1.5.1 does. -- TobiasPolzin 2006-01-30 21:07:48
How to install a moinmoin wiki farm
(No, the existing documentation doesn't help.)
Q: I am not sure I completely understand the technical concept and working of a wikifarm (though I know I would like to have one Is the main idea to have different URL aliases always pointing to/executing .../myfarm/moin.cgi which then invokes to match the url and execute specific wiki configuration?
A: Exactly.
Q: I've got the basic part working: every request like '.../myfarm/wikiOne/FrontPage' maps to .../myfarm/moin.cgi which invokes, matches the url against regular expressions and loads the FrontPage from the correct data directory (different title pages, easy to recognise for testing). Then I have a problem: all the system generated links (such as RecentChanges or Edit(Text), etc) displayed on the FrontPage point to .../myfarm/moin.cgi/some_page (like .../myfarm/moin.cgi/RecentChanges). The 'wikiOne' - wiki name in the url - is missing. What have I missed in configuring the farm? I am doing this on IIS and if I make it work, I will describe the procedure here in more detail.
A: Your initial assumption is wrong. For each member of your farm, you need to point to its own moin.cgi (however they will all be identical), i.e. '.../myfarm/wikiOne/FrontPage' maps to .../myfarm/wikiOne/moin.cgi. Then use entries like
("wikione", r".*wikiOne.*$"),
in jour wiki list in and put individual config in etc.
Here's how to do it on IIS:
- create virtual directory wikiOne with:
- local path something like D:\WEBServer\Homepage\moin\wikione
- check "read access"
- define application wikiOne with
extension .cgi, executable "D:\Python23\python.exe" -u %s %s, check "script engine" only
- exec permission "script only"
- enable default document and put "Default.htm" to the top position, do not have moin.cgi in the list
enable anonymous access for user IUSR_<name_of_server>
- reset "Custom Errors" message type 404 to "Default"
- restart IIS
test it with http:/your_server/wikiOne/moi.cgi
Do not bother to remove the moin.cgi from URLs - there are ways to do this partially with some redirection and patches but none of them will be satisfactory - you will always end up with the long URL in the end. If you don't want that, use Apache.
How to move a wiki instance from one machine to another
Install moin as described in the help. When the help tell you to copy the data directory from /usr/share/moin/, copy instead the data directory from your wiki directory on the other machine. Copy also your config files and update the paths if needed.
Installation via FTP
Is there a way to have Moin installed on a server that you don't have shell access to, and you can't change any Python files?
See HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnLinuxFtp
IIS questions
Python Path
I cannot get python to recognize Moin. I have edited the moin.cgi under the instance and added sys.path.insert (0, c:\moin\lib\site-packages') but it does not seem to help. If I try the python import test, I get the error. Any help would be appreciated.....I am running windows 2003 sp1
IIS6 and 403 Forbidden error
I just installed Moin 1.3.4 on an Windows 2k3 server running IIS6. I installed Python 2.3.5. When I try to access my new wiki, I get "error 403 Forbidden...not authorized".
Please look into your server error log.
CGI gate is quite slow. There is an MoinMoin ISAPI to invoke wiki from under IIS. And its quite easier to config than CGI gate. Note that this is only tested through version 1.3.5 of Moin. Later releases are said to have issues with the ISAPI.
General setup
Q: I am getting the error "The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers." There is a note below regarding Python versions, but my versions match the install instructions so I don't think that's it. I'm using Win2k3 Server, IIS, Python 2.3.2, Moin 1.2.2.
Also, when I try to add the Application Extension Mapping, I append the -u %s %s to the executable line, but the dialog complains unless I enclose them in quotes. Could this be the problem? My executable line looks like this:
c:\python23\python.exe -u "%s" "%s"
A:In addition for Windows installations there are two levels of security permission checking - one at the IIS level and other at the file system level. So make sure that
- You have enable write permissions on your xyzwiki virtual directory in the IIS admin tool (off by default in IIS 6.0).
You enable anonymous access in the directory security tab (Anonymous access and authentication control -> Edit)
You give write permissions to the Anonymous internet user (IUSR_YOURMACHINENAME) for the xyzwiki folder on your filesystem (right click -> sharing and security -> Add user and give the above user write permissions as well)
A: I had this problem.To get it working I did the following:
- The executable line I use (which works) looks like this:
"C:\python23\python.exe" -u %s %s
The moin installation wasn't correctly included on my PythonPath. To see if this is a problem try running the following:
> C:\python23\python.exe >>> import MoinMoin
If that raises an exception, you need to check the PythonPath is correctly configured. It worked after I ensured C:\moin\Lib\site-packages was on the PythonPath. PYTHONPATH is a key in the System Environment Variables found by right-clicking My Computer and going to the advanced tab.
A: The same CGI error occures if you forget to set the path to in moin.cgi. I did.
A: This CGI error can also occur on a IIS-based Moin installation when the IIS engine somehow loses the ability to spawn Python CGI processes correctly. Watch the Task Manager for python processes as you quickly refresh the Wiki. If IIS is spawning the process correctly, you should see a python process appear for each successive page request. If it is not, you will see IIS attempt to double the memory for an existing python process and then return the "misbehaved" error. To fix this, reboot the machine--a simple iisreset does not seem to help.
Q: I have tried all the above suggestions. It still does not work. I am trying to install on IIS 6.0 windows server 2003, python 2.5.1, moinmoin 1.6.1. I followed all the instructions carefully. I have given all the permissions in the answers above also. I tried the above suggestion_ IIS is correctly spawning python cgi processes as I can see python processes as i refresh the browser. I don't know what's wrong. But, I had this message "Environment variables in file names will not be expanded" when I tried to create python cgi the web service extensions on IIS with the following values_
extension name : python cgi Files required: D:\python25\python.exe -u "%s" "%s"
Can this be the problem cause?
A: I resolved this CGI error on Windows Server 2003 by changing the line"logging initialized")
in moin\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\server\ in moin 1.6.1. This line caused the line "logging initialized" to be printed before any header information and thus causing the above error message. I changed the line to"logging initialized")
and got my first wiki page served.
A: I (foxhop) also had this error after editing the file. It seems I pasted in some bad text that corrupted the file. After deleting the text the error went away...
Removing moin.cgi from the address
I've installed MoinMoin on an IIS server and notice that it seems necessary to always specify /moin.cgi/ in the URL to get it to work, whereas on this wiki and some others, I don't see that. Is there a configuration setting to get IIS to work this way, too?
That question is quite IIS specific. You should ask people that know more about IIS in order to get an answer. I am sure that IIS allows such aliases.
Could you tell me how it's done on any other server and maybe that'll be the clue I need to know what to search for to figure it out?
In Apache for example, you have to set two Aliases: one that maps /wiki to the static htdocs files and another one too map / to the CGI file of MoinMoin. See HelpOnInstalling about this. Feel free to enhance the documentation after you found out how it works.
A: This is easy in IIS... edit the properties on your virtual directory and go to the documents tab. Put "moin.cgi" in the list of documents and move it to the top. That's it.
- - no, this does not work (Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0)
404 error
So my new moinmoin installation shows the initial page beautifully but won't show any non-existing pages. MyStartPage, and any new page I edit in (edit works) just take me to a 404 error when I click on them. Any ideas? I've set R/W access to the virtual directory, and to the /data and /underlay folders, and I've given everyone full access to those directories through Windows. Any ideas?
I got the same problem, is there a chance to solve it? Installed on IIS, Virtual Directory has r/w, and everybode has full access to the moin folder. So how to fix this? Everything works, but I can't create pages, because they are "not" found. I had the error, that to page at all (only "moin.cgi") had been found, this could be fixed by unchecking the option "check for existence of files" (or similiar, translated be me into English) in the IIS.
500 error
Messing with the sandbox on my server - whenever I try and edit a page and save it, i get a 500 internal server error. When I refresh the pages, the changes have been saved, but i can't alleviate the issue. Why is this happening?
I ran into this also and found the problem was no permissions to edit <mywiki>/data/edit-log. I think this happens if you add IUSR_<computername> to the data folder permissions after you've already edited a page once. I simple removed the edit-log file and let MoinMoin recreate it and all was good. There were error messages complaining about this in the error-log file. --DavidAvraamides
Configuring a wiki at with mod_python
I configured my wiki at using Apache and mod_python. When I access /foo/bar/wiki/FrontPage moin try to access page bar/wiki/FrontPage, instead of accessing page FrontPage.
This is a limitation of mod_python. MoinMoinBugs/ModPyWikiOnlyOneDirDeep explains the problem and contains a patch to make this possible.
Quota exceeded on Linux ISP while installing - can I remove unwanted languages?
I'm installing on a Linux ISP with Python, CGI, Apache, no admin access. I started as described on HelpOnInstalling/BasicInstallation by downloading, ensuring I had Python, unzipping into a temporary directory, and calling
Unfortunately, provokes an 'out of quota' error from my ISP's system. This appears to happen while copying the pages in wiki/underlay/pages, and is either because I've hit the ISP's limit of 12000 files (I already have lots of other files there), or because I've hit the limit on total size allowed. Is there a quick way to delete languages I don't need, because there are lots of language-variant pages. Removing them will probably solve my problem, but I don't want to have to delete them one at a time by hand.
Also on storage, how much of is just copying files from a subdirectory where Moin was downloaded to its final location? If I could replace this by moves, it would avoid having two copies of the directories being copied, which would also help my storage.
See ScriptMarket/RemovingUnwantedLanguages
Processing HTML
I can not seem to get the latest version of MoinMoin configured correctly to process html. After a clean installation of MoinMoin what steps do I need to take to set up processing of HTML?
- What do you mean by processing it?
I to am having this problem. With 1.5.1 I attempt to place the #!format htmldirective at the top of a page and then I place the raw HTML. I expect moinmoin to render the page as HTML as per instructions I saw somewhere but nothing happens. There is mention that the HTML parser is not considered secure and has to be "turned on", but I see no mention of how to do that.
Where did you have read this?
Read this in the FrequentlyAskedQuestions on the section for Can I add HTML to the wiki
you have at first to copy the from ParserMarket into your local wiki data/plugin/parser dir. Then there are two methods to use it one is to use the pragma #format html and the other to use a pasrser call { { {#!html} } } -- ReimarBauer 2006-02-03 21:13:19 and moin.cgi
I'm trying to install moin-desktop-1.3.4-2.exe and Python-2.3.4.exe. When running python install, I found there is no I can't find also any moin.cgi file.
- moin-desktop works without installing Python and without running That's the whole point of this distribution.
How to Upgrade from 1.3.5 to 1.5.0
The 1.5.0 docs/README.migration files says to just read CHANGES. But docs/CHANGES does not give instructions under the 1.5.0 heading.
HelpOnUpdating describes the updating process.
Installing on Fedora: permission denied & SELinux
When following the install instructions HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnLinux I get following error:
Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, root@localhost and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Apache/2.0.54 (Fedora) Server at localhost Port 80
This error is the result of SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux) target policy. To disable SELinux on http requests in Fedora Core (4) click System Settings -> Security Level and on the SELinux tab check the Disable SELinux protection for httpd deamon checkbox in HTTPD service section. This is not the perfect solution and if you care of security you should tweak SELinux file permissions properly. This page describes SELinux and its Apache policies in Fedora.
Q: I am getting the error "The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers." There is a note below regarding Python versions, but my versions match the install instructions so I don't think that's it. I'm using Win2k3 Server, IIS, Python 2.5, Moin 1.5.5a.
Also, when I try to add the Application Extension Mapping, I append the -u %s %s to the executable line, but the dialog complains unless I enclose them in quotes. Could this be the problem?
Installing moinmoin on hosted webserver
Q: My server company says they have version 2.4.3 of Python running, but when I run the pythontest.cgi script provided on this wiki, nothing comes up for python. What gives? Should I go ahead and try installing the wiki?
A: First make sure that you have execute permission enabled on pythontest.cgi. I had the same problem until I realized I (as file owner) could read and write the file, but not execute it. You might have the same problem with moin.cgi.
Installing moinmoin
Q:In a wikifarm installation I am getting: "Configuration Error: data_dir "/usr/local/share/moin/wikifarm/wikis/linuxwiki/data" does not exist, or has incorrect ownerships or permissions. Howevwer, the permissions are correct and set to nobody (The Apache user) and read write execute. The directory does exist but is empty. I use the absolute path in the config file.
Import Error
Q:I followed the instructions on how to install and configure MoinMoin, but when testing the wiki, the server barfs with the following message:
[Tue Dec 19 15:45:33 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: /usr/local/share/moin/mywiki/moin.cgi Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/usr/local/share/moin/mywiki/moin.cgi", line 39, in ?
from MoinMoin.request import RequestCGI
ImportError: No module named MoinMoin.request
I found the MoinMoin module in the tar distro, but nowhere under the installation directory (/usr/local). Where should the MoinMoin module go?
A: Try installing Python with the developer headers. I've had the same problem and reinstalled Python with the developer headers, after this the import error was gone. You might check if an installer.log exist when you install MoinMoin with the installerlog option. If not, the setup might not have run correctly, ergo Moin will not work.
Hosted Webserver / MoinMoin generates dysfunctional links
Q: After installing MoinMoin over FTP and a minor problem with css, the wiki finally runs, but all links on the main page dont work since they reference moin.cgi : e.g. I get that this might have something to do with apache aliases, but thats something I cant configure since its a hosted server. Is there anyway to solve this ? (MoinMoin is 1.5.6 and Python 2.3.4)
Problem when installing on Windows XP with Apache 2.2.4 and Python 2.5
I have both Apache and Python installed and running, and installed MoinMoin as explained in the install.html. Still, I keep getting a "403 - Access denied". I can not even run the diagnosis (...=?action=test)
I have edited the moin.cgi and httpd.conf as indicated.
The error.log of Apache shows "[client] client denied by server configuration: C:/moin/mywiki/moin.cgi". If I run Python and do "import moinmoin" it tells me no such module exists. What am I missing?
A: Don't know about the importing part but I solved similar error (same Python and Apache version) by adding access rights for the Wiki installation folders in the httpd.conf file:
... # # "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/cgi-bin" should be changed to # whatever your ScriptAliased # CGI directory exists, if you have that configured. # <Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/cgi-bin"> AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> # MoinMoin directory access <Directory "C:/Python25/share/moin/htdocs/"> AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> <Directory "C:/Moin/mywiki/"> AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> ...
Need dictionary file
Q: I'm trying to get the spell checking to work on my OSX install of MoinMoin. However, It appears that I need a dictionary file, as it wasn't installed with the OS (AFAIK). Any idea where one is available? There is reference to one on the page HelpOnSpellCheck, but the link is no longer valid.
A: Look at /usr/share/dict/words. Moin simply needs a plain text file containing a list of words to check against. If you don't find the file on your system, you can try to search the internet by "Wordlist YourLang" and you'll find things like this: Simply put the file in your wikiinstance/data/dict dir. This should work. Or just look into the contrib/ directory of the moin download archive.
Going crazy trying to upgrade
Hello, I tried to upgrade from 1.5.3 to the current version (was 1.5.7, now is 1.5.8), so I tried to upgrade from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4, 1.5.4 to 1.5.5, etc. I never achieved the first upgrade, so I gave up.
Since then, I reinstall another 1.5.3 MoinMoin Wiki to
- have a clone of the first one which handle our internal documentation (i use rsync for this purpose)
- try the upgrades on this clone
So, now I have a little time, I just retry the migration on my clone Wiki and another time it fail!
First, I'm lost with the documentation about upgrading. I read and reread the docs/README.migration and I'm still not sure of what I have to do.
Bur it seems that the steps are :
- use the migration scripts to convert data
- install the new version following the INSTALL.html guide
- do the "post 1.5.3 new style migration"
Ok, so for the migration scripts, I can't understand if I need some to migrate from 1.5.3 to 1.5.4, so as in my /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/script/migration I found and, I ran each.
I then install the 1.5.4 version following the guide. I run through the "Basic Installation" and "Wiki Instance Creation".
For the "post 1.5.3 new style migration", I swith to my www-data user, and invoke
moin --config-dir=/opt/wiki-instances/wikiname --wiki-url=wiki.domain.tld migration data
and I have an error everytime
MoinMoin.error.ConfigurationError: data_dir "../data" does not exists, or has incorrect ownership or permissions.
In my, I have
data_dir = '../data/' data_underlay_dir = '../underlay/'
(I'm under Debian, and after the installation, it was the only way to have MoinMoin running)
What can I do?
Is my migration method correct?
Can anyone help me?
-- EricVeirasGalisson 2007-06-04 15:17:16
Using relative pathes is asking for trouble. And you obviously got trouble.
Ok, I put some absolute paths in my and got
Calling migration script for /opt/wiki-instances/wikiname/data, base revision 1050400 Final mig script reached, migration is complete.
I think my migration is complete now, and I can do the same for the following versions. But, does it means that the migration scripts are called by the moin executable or do I need to call them before ? Thanks -- EricVeirasGalisson 2007-06-05 08:28:24
- The pre-1.5.3 mig scripts are called manually (and you also have to remember / determine) which you have already run before and which not. Don't run them twice. The post-1.5.3 mig scripts are called automatically by just using the "moin" command (see README.migration). It will automatically determine the script to start with, depending on some version metadata in your data_dir, and run all scripts needed to upgrade to the current version - unless otherwise noted.
Hum... the problem is: the README.migration is not very clear (reverse order and so on...), so does it mean that if I'm running a version >= 1.5.3, I don't need to run any migration scripts manually?
So, in this case, the migration procedure is- install the new version following the INSTALL.html guide
- do the "post 1.5.3 new style migration"
- isn't it?
error: package directory 'MoinMoin' does not exist
Q: I installed Python (Python 2.5.1) on a win2k system. I downloaded MoinMoi version 1.5.8 and untarred it. When I run the folowing command in the command prompt
C:\Moin\moin-1.5.8\ --quiet install --prefix="C:\moin" --record=install.log
I get the following error:
error: package directory 'MoinMoin' does not exist
Any feedback would be appreciated
A: To answer my own question: Navigate to the script directory (c:\moin\moin-1.5.8\ in this case) before executing the script.
Embed external non-wiki page
Q: Is it possible somehow to embed an external (non-wiki)page into a MoinMoin page? We have a process monitoring application running with a user interface through JSP. It would be handy if we could embed it in the wiki pages. Maybe in some kind of frame?
A. You could find a way to insert an IFrame somewhere in their. An IFrame lets you embed a webpage within a webpage from a different domain or not. IFrames, unlike Frames, if my memory is correct, lets you embed the a webpage using a kind of html box; kind of like those used for images. You will probably need to make sure the xhtml supports it; this usually means using transitional xhtml instead of strict xhtml for strict xhtml does not accept IFrames. Use your favorite search engine for the details of this. -Nick L.
Problems installing (Windows XP SP2, Apache 2.2.2, Python 2.5.1)
I'm attempting to upgrade an existing Wiki (Apache 2.2.2, Python 2.4.3, Moin 1.5.4) an in the process also updating Python to the latest release (2.5.1). I removed the previous Python installation and upgraded to 2.5.1 (which now sits in C:/Program Files/Python25) and then proceeded to install the latest release of Moin 1.5.8. Installation appeared to work fine, and I have adjusted the shebang and path-dependent info in moin.cgi, as well as path dependent info in http.conf. When called locally on the commandline, moin.cgi works without reporting any errors, however when I try and call this locally through a browser, I receive the following error:
[Thu Sep 13 11:48:26 2007] [error] [client] (OS 2)The system cannot find the file specified. : couldn't create child process: 720002: moin.cgi [Thu Sep 13 11:48:26 2007] [error] [client] (OS 2)The system cannot find the file specified. : couldn't spawn child process: C:/Server/Moin/mywiki/moin.cgi
I've attempted to include changes to the directory access rights, as specified in the post above (Problem when installing on Windows XP with Apache 2.2.4 and Python 2.5) however this doesn't appear to have solved the problem..
Does anyone have any tips for me here?
-- Thanks Paul 2007-09-13 11:53:03
I have just installed the latest version of Moin-1.5.8 on a WinXP machine (SP2) running a fresh installation of Apache2.2. I appear to be getting a problem with permissions. I had the following problem reported in Apache's error.log file, although I followed the same steps as in
[error] [client] client denied by server configuration: C:/Moin/mywiki/moin.cgi
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
- I just upgraded to Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) from 10.4. I had my wiki working very nicely for about a year. The upgrade to Leopard messed up all my web sites because it changed the version of apache and the location of the config files. I successfully changed the apache config file to get my web sites working, and added the alias lines for the wiki (I entered the identical lines from the previous version of the config file). However, now I get a '403 Forbidden' message when I try to access my wiki. I've checked and the wiki is still owned by www (the web server). The permissions don't seem to have changed and I don't see why the upgrade Leopard would affect them. I'm wondering if there is something else I've forgotten in the config file.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
upgrade question from moin-1.5.5 to the latest stable version 1.5.8
can anyone please give me some tips? or point me to an how-to upgrade procedure? does anyone know about problems with upgrades from this versions?
thank you.
Migration from 1.3.3 to 1.5.8
I'm trying to upgrade a wiki from 1.3.3 to 1.5.8, and the following part of the README.migration confuses me:
1.5.3 migration =============== First make sure you have run all the old mig scripts ONCE (and only once) on your data dirs. The old style stuff moved here: MoinMoin/script/old/migration/ In that directory, there is also a new mig script - you need to run it as the last mig script to switch to new style mig scripts. It puts a file "meta" in your data dirs that hold the data_format_revision value. The new style mig scripts use that value to make it much simpler for you in future. After this, please continue in section "Post 1.5.3 new style migration". 1.3.4/1.3.5 migration ===================== We added some mig scripts in moin 1.3.4. So if you have done the 1.2 to 1.3 migration with some earlier moin version (like 1.3.3), then please run the new scripts, too: * *
the says:
migration from moin 1.2 to moin 1.3
migration from moin 1.3 < patch-xxx to moin 1.3 >= patch-xxx
Migration from moin 1.5.2 to moin 1.5.3
Can you please tell me, where the -> 1.5.2 part is?
- There is nothing else except what is described in the README.migration (if we don't change storage between some versions, you don't need a converter script for migrating between those). So, assuming that you correctly migrated to 1.3.3 earlier (and have run everything up to mig9), you need to run mig10, mig11, 152_to_1050300 now and the the post-1.5.3 stuff.
Using MoinMoin on smartphone (symbian) via Raccoon
Q: There is apache available for Symbian called Raccoon, mod_python is working there. Is it worth an attempt to install MoinMoinWiki on phones having Raccoon installed?
A: I guess it would be too slow. If you have Python on the phone (it won't work without), you can also use the standalone server of moin (will eat less resources, but still be too slow).
Migration from 1.5.7 to 1.6.0
What do I need to do to convert my data pages to the 1.6.0 syntax? I've read the README.migration and still don't understand what needs to be done. I've located some migration scripts but need a little direction on how to use them.
- In a farm each wiki in the farm has to be migrated separately. The migration requires that you run the migration command twice (which was not obvious for me initially). After running the "migration data" cmd once a file "rename1.txt" is created in the data folder. This file may be changed. Either the modified or the unmodified file "rename1.txt" must be stored under the name "rename2.txt" at the same place. Then the migration command has to be run again. This starts main migration to the new markup. A back-up containing the unconverted data (wiki-pages) is created during the main migration in a folder named "data.pre160". Note that older versions of the pages are not converted - so if an older version is viewed in a moin-1.6 wiki the rendering is broken.
- Change your config files and server configuration as required (diff 1.5.7 against the new files coming with 1.6.0)
- Run (make sure that is on your path or add the path) --config-dir=pathToWikiConfig --wiki-url=http://yourwiki/ migration data
Create the rename2.txt file
- Start main migration (this creates a new 1.6 version for each page that is converted) --config-dir=pathToWikiConfig --wiki-url=http://yourwiki/ migration data
- If the main migration fails you should first fix the problem and then start again: Delete the data-folder that is created during the migration and rename the backup folder from "data.pre160" to "data". Then re-run the migration command.
Thanks very much! This worked nicely.
manual update to 1.6.0
Hi guys, Im trying to update from 1.5.8 to 1.6.0 atm but run into a small problem. Im using apache2 with fastcgi and python2.5 on a debian system. When I manually upload all files to python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin, the new/changed ones arent recognized, its still showing up as 1.5.8 (so the update script doesnt even think theres something to update). An Apache restart/stop+start doesnt work, any other way to tell python that there are new files? (would like to prevent a full server restart if possible)
you have to check your moin.fcg it needs changes do compare it with the example from the server dir.
Permission denied when trying to migrate data
Trying to upgrade from 1.5.8 to 1.6.1. When running --config-dir="D:\WikiFarm" migration data I get the following traceback:
145852 INFO logging initialized Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\Moin\_install\moin-1.6.1\", line 138, in <module> run(Config) File "D:\Moin\_install\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\server\", line 584, in run httpd = makeServer(config) File "D:\Moin\_install\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\server\", line 526, in makeServer return serverClass(config) File "D:\Moin\_install\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\server\", line 176, in __init__ SimpleServer.__init__(self, config) File "D:\Moin\_install\moin-1.6.1\MoinMoin\server\", line 63, in __init__ BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, address, MoinRequestHandler) File "C:\Python25\lib\", line 330, in __init__ self.server_bind() File "C:\Python25\lib\", line 101, in server_bind SocketServer.TCPServer.server_bind(self) File "C:\Python25\lib\", line 341, in server_bind self.socket.bind(self.server_address) File "<string>", line 1, in bind socket.error: (10013, 'Permission denied')
IIS 6.0 and Python 2.5.1.
This is the wrong (the standalone server). You need MoinMoin/script/
- Thanks, dealt with this, but another problem:
File "D:\moin\Lib\site-packages\MoinMoin\script\migration\", line 50, in listdir names = [name for name in os.listdir(path) WindowsError: [Error 3] : 'd:\\WikiFarm\\wiki\\data\\user/*.*'
It seems like the script is looking for a user dir in each farm wiki's data dir, while I have a single user dir for all wikis which I specified in
giving it an empty user dir should make that simple program happy.
Problems Moving Moin to another server
After moving my wiki instance to another server, I copied my /data folder onto the server and immediately started getting the following error on MyStartupPage and all other header links:
"WindowsError[Error 183] Cannot create a file when that file already exists"
I discovered that deleting the /data/cache/ folder fixed the issue. Moin immedatiately recreates the /cache folder os it did not cause any issues. Using the maint cleancache may also work, but I had a lot of troubles getting it to run on the server.
- I hit the same problem, with backup Moin to another Windows 2003 server. I'm running Moin 1.8.4. Deleting /data/cache/ folder alone doesn't work. I have to delete all cache/ folders under each page, in /data/page/.
The problem may be with windows file abstraction layer which doesn't distinguish files with names which differ only in character cases (like, lowercase and uppercase). Consider avoiding using windows or renaming those pages. -- EugeneSyromyatnikov 2010-06-02 07:16:50 hmm, ntfs has an option for using upper and lowercase chars in filenames. Btw. 1.8.4 is outdated see SecurityFixes and update. -- ReimarBauer 2010-06-02 11:05:00
NTFS does, win file abstraction layer doesn't (precisely, it does, too, but it's generally unusable). -- EugeneSyromyatnikov 2010-06-02 11:22:58
It´s not that easy getting a standalone to work
I´m running a Suse 10.2 and installed Python 2.5 and the 1.6.1 moin². Calling up "python" gives the goo news below, but starting "http://localhost:8080" is not all it takes as the quick manual says.
This is what I get:
localhost:~/moin-1.6.1 # python Loading ... MoinMoin - 1.6.1 [release]
222501 INFO logging initialized 222501 INFO Serving on localhost:8080 222501 INFO Running as uid/gid 1000/100 222708 INFO "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 -
==> here the trouble after calling the localhost in firefox
Exception happened during processing of request from ('', 22951) Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "/root/moin-1.6.1/MoinMoin/server/", line 212, in serve_forever_thread File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 254, in finish_request
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
File "/root/moin-1.6.1/MoinMoin/server/", line 281, in init File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 521, in init
- self.handle()
- File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 316, in handle
- self.handle_one_request()
- File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 310, in handle_one_request
- method()
- File "/root/moin-1.6.1/MoinMoin/server/", line 306, in do_ALL File "/root/moin-1.6.1/MoinMoin/server/", line 336, in serve_moin
File "/root/moin-1.6.1/MoinMoin/request/", line 56, in init File "/root/moin-1.6.1/MoinMoin/request/", line 1418, in fail
ImportError: cannot import name failure
There´s much more to know, isn´t it ??
Completely erase that stuff, log in as user (not root) and start from scratch.
Problems with basic installation
I am having the worst time trying to install MoinMoin on OSX - I upgraded my computer to Leopard just recently, followed the instructions listed in the Help all to no luck. There are problems, since the most recent version is 1.6.3 - the installer seems to be for 1.6.0 - I tried just changing the numbering appropriately, but cannot find the wiki when I browse to http://localhost/mywiki . Any help would be appreciated - unless I'm missing something on my computer, there is something wrong with the install guide.
If you have trouble with the apache installation, why don't you simply use python ./ That's all you need to do to start the standalone server of 1.6.x and have a working wiki. -- ThomasWaldmann 2008-06-19 20:25:26
Is it possible to change/add themes without access to /wiki/ directory?
I'm working on a wiki at work where I have access to the file, but not the /wiki/ directory. The sys admins install everything for our wikis and this is the way they have it set up. Is it possible for me to add or modify themes in this case?
Problem installing with linux + lighttpd + fastcgi + unix socket + site directory (not subdomain).
I'm running a lighttpd server under linux, and I'm trying to get MoinMoin running using fastgci with a unix socket in a site directory as opposed to a subdomain. In other words, I want the URL for getting to MoinMoin to be http://myserver.tld/moin, where the /moin part is the site directory.
However, I can't get this to work. When I go to http://myserver.tld/moin using the configuration described below, I always get a 500 Internal Server error.
Can any of you see what's wrong with my configuration? Here it is:
The directory where the site resides is /home/hippoman/sites/moin, and it contains the following items:
% ls -l total 13 2 drwxr-sr-x 7 hippoman www-data 2048 Oct 6 20:14 content/ 2 drwxrwx--- 7 hippoman www-data 2048 Oct 6 17:26 data/ 2 drwxrwx--- 3 hippoman www-data 2048 Oct 6 17:26 underlay/ 7 -rw-rw---- 1 hippoman www-data 6705 Oct 6 20:09
The content subdirectory is a copy of the htdocs directory under /usr/local/share/moin (the place where MoinMoin got installed on my system). In other words, it's the static content.
This is the pertinent part of my lighttpd config file:
alias.url = ( # "/moin" => "/home/hippoman/sites/moin/content", "/moin" => "/home/hippoman/sites/moin", } $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/moin\b" { url.rewrite-once = ( "^/moin/robots\.txt" => "/moin/content/robots.txt", "^/moin/favicon\.ico" => "/moin/content/favicon.ico", "^/moin/(.*)" => "/moin/content/$1", "^/moin$" => "/moin/content" ) server.document-root = "/home/hippoman/sites/moin" accesslog.filename = "/home/hippoman/log/moin.access_log" fastcgi.server = ( "/moin" => (( "socket" => "/var/run/lighttpd/hippoman/moin.socket", "bin-path" => "/root/bin/smoin", "bin-copy-environment" => ( "USER", "LOGNAME", "SHELL" ), "bin-environment" => ( "PATH" => "/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin", "UNAME" => "hippoman", "GNAME" => "www-data", ), "min-procs" => 1, "max-procs" => 4, # "check-local" => "disable", )) )
I tried it both with and without check-local set, but it fails nonetheless. I also tried it with both versions of the /moin alias, with the same error.
The /root/bin/smoin script is a wrapper which changes the uid and gid:
[HASHBANG]/bin/sh uname=${UNAME:=www-data} gname=${GNAME:=www-data} unset UNAME unset GNAME exec /usr/bin/sudo \ /usr/local/bin/chpst -u ${uname}:${gname} \ /root/bin/local-moin.fcg "$@" exit 1
... where [HASHBANG] represents #!, which I can't figure out how to escape in the text above using this markup language.
The /root/bin/local-moin.fcg program is my local version of the standard moin.fcg:
... etc. ... # Debug mode - show detailed error reports os.environ['MOIN_DEBUG'] = '1' from MoinMoin.server.server_fastcgi import FastCgiConfig, run class Config(FastCgiConfig): loglevel_file = logging.INFO logPath = '/home/hippoman/log/moin.access_log' max_requests = 1024 properties = {} # properties = {'script_name': '/moin'} # use this instead of the line above if your wiki runs under "/moin" url # for backlog, we use a default of 5. if the listen(backlog) call crashes for you, try a smaller value! # backlog = 1 run(Config)
I tried it with both versions of the properties setting.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
PS: The wrapper script works fine. I use one just like it to run other fastcgi engines under specific user ID's. Also, the ownerships and file permissions are all correct, as far as I can tell.
PPS: All other sites work fine under my web server, including all of them running under other fastcgi instances.
PPPS: The only error message that I can find in any log file is this (anonymized): myserver.tld - [06/Oct/2008:21:51:20 -0400] "GET /moin HTTP/1.1" 500 369 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092414 Firefox/3.0.3"
Just installed MoinMoin v1.8.0 and the GUI editor isn't working
When I try to edit a page on my wiki using the Edit(GUI) button I seem to be missing the editing screen. I can see the Save Changes, Preview, ect buttons at the top of the page and the Comment entry at the bottom of the page but the section to actually edit the page is just blank. Have I missed a config setting somewhere to enable GUI editing? I know it is not the browser as I am able to edit other MoinMoin wiki's using the GUI editor.
I figured this out by accident. As an FYI, in my I had my url_prefix set incorrectly.
Guide for MoinMoin on a memory stick?
Has anyone else come up with a guide to installing MoinMoin on a memory stick? I've started one that is centered around Windows, I'm not a Linux or Mac user, at the page PortableMoin. If anyone wants to help categorize it and add information for the other OSes, please feel free.
Robert K, Dec 29 6:39PM GMT
Is there a way to change global variables?
I'd like to change how the variable SIG is being displayed. Is there a way to change it so the name and date are shown on two lines instead on one next to each other?
GUI Editor not installed/configured??
I have created 2 moin wiki instances on ubuntu that both appear to work, except that the GUI Editor doesn't appear. The apache log file shows that the /usr/share/moin/htdocs/applets/FCKEditor/fckeditor.js file is being called up, but doesn't exist. How should this editor be configured? I can see some fckeditor config references in the usr/share/docs/python-moinmoin/examples folder, but no information as to how to use these.
Ubuntu 8.10, MoinMoin 1.7.1
debians package manager has dropped the old fckeditor package. 1.8 uses the current fckeditor version and was refactored last gsoc, see MoonByeongweon/SOC2008. You may want to download a recent version.
Same issue appears on Ubuntu 10.10, MoiMoin 1.9.3.
Solution is:
1. Install fckeditor:
sudo apt-get install fckeditor
2. Make it available for MoinMoin:
cd /usr/share/moin/htdocs/applets
sudo rm -rf FCKeditor
sudo ln -s /usr/share/fckeditor FCKeditor
3. Restart web server
After upgrade MoinMoin 1.6 --> 1.81 edit page no more possible
After the upgrade to MoinMoin 1.81, the pages cannot be edited anymore. It always shows "Locked" (mandarin theme), even if I or the Admin is logged in. Also with the classic theme 'edit' does not work.
Any idea what the problem could be?
Please try "modern" or "modernized", whether it works with those.
I found a workaround for the problem. It had to do with the ACL configuration. There was a group defined - but unfortunately, the new MoinMoin version does not work with this group, so I had do enter all users directly into the file
EpGroup (was working with MoinMoin 1.6)
#acl EpGroup:read,write,delete,revert * Admin * UserOne * UserTwo * UserThree * UserFour (was working with MoinMoin 1.6)
acl_rights_default = u"EpGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read" (works now also on MoinMoin 1.81)
acl_rights_default = u"EpGroup:read,write,delete,revert \ Admin:read,write,delete,revert \ UserOne:read,write,delete,revert \ UserTwo:read,write,delete,revert \ UserThree:read,write,delete,revert \ UserFour:read,write,delete,revert \ All:read" GPL
This workaround works find for me, but sure, it would be nice if the groups also worked in the new version.
Groups are working with no problem, you maybe have to check your wikiconfig for the group regex. It should look like page_group_regex = ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)Group)' and also carefully read the full documentation about migration: docs/CHANGES and docs/README.migration in your moinmoin download!. You may want also to read and Site!
After upgrade one of the farms fails to import theme module
I've got a farm of two wiki's and tried to upgrade from 1.7.2 to 1.8.4 One of the wiki's works fine, but for the second I get the following error:
Exception in thread Thread-1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 446, in run self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/support/", line 537, in accept_handler File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/support/", line 283, in run self._handle_record(rec) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/support/", line 385, in _handle_record self._handle_app_record(rec) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/support/", line 456, in _handle_app_record self.req_handler(self, self.env, self.getFieldStorage()) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/server/", line 56, in <lambda> request_fcgi.Request(req, env, form, properties=properties).run() File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/request/", line 1205, in run self.initTheme() File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/request/", line 1184, in initTheme self.loadTheme(theme_name) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/request/", line 741, in loadTheme Theme = wikiutil.importPlugin(self.cfg, 'theme', theme_name, 'Theme') File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/", line 1110, in importPlugin return importWikiPlugin(cfg, kind, name, function) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/", line 1120, in importWikiPlugin plugins = wikiPlugins(kind, cfg) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/", line 1193, in wikiPlugins module = pysupport.importName(modname, kind) File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/util/", line 81, in importName module = __import__(modulename, globals(), {}, [name]) ImportError: No module named p_dd8c12da6c9cca3e1448683a3f9a81deb21bd610
I tried to insert my custom logging.debug checks in various places of that files in the trace and discovered that this is an attempt to load a standard theme for this wiki. Another wiki uses the same theme too. After dumping to log from the _loadPluginModule in I can see that this is the correct UID and it seems like no exceptions occur there. htdocs are updated.
After rolling back python/site-packages/MoinMoin to the previous version everthing is fine again.
.fcg files for both wiki's are the same. Config files differ only in sitename, interwikiname and data_dir. All permissions in both ./data ./underlay ./htdocs are double-checked.
So I'm completely stuck now. Can any one help?
-- AlexanderAgibalov 2009-07-02 13:44:19
Upgrading Moin Moin from 1.5.5 to 1.8.4
I am in the process of updating my Wiki from the old 1.5.5. version to 1.8.4. I have already setup the Wiki on a new server and have copied all my old data from the 1.5.5 machine to the new 1.8.4. Based on reading all the support docs, I need to run some scripts to convert the data to the new format; however, I can't seem to find a script to move from 1.5.5 to 1.8.4 - do I need to convert from 1.5.5 to 1.6.0 then to the next version, etc until I reach 1.8 or is there another way?
-- Stephen Spector
Migrating data from 1.5.3+ is a one-step process. See "Post 1.5.3 new style migration" in docs/README.migration -- MarkSapiro 2009-09-01 23:17:28
Upgrade messed up the GUI editor and appearance of pages
Several months ago I had installed and configured moin-1.8.2 from source and had been using it happily afterwards. Until this past weekend. Fedora told me I had 500+ package updates waiting to get installed. I didn't think about the impact it could have on moin and told it to go ahead and install the updates. Turns out one of the updates was moin-1.6.2 which it installed as an rpm and it messed up my wiki instance. Here's what it impacted:
- No longer seeing visited page history across the top of the screen horizontally with its own header. Now it just appears as an unformatted list.
- No longer seeing an option to use the GUI editor. Just the text editor.
- No longer seeing tables formatted as tables. Now it's just text without any borders.
Anyone know how to fix this?
Answer: Deinstall the dist package, make sure everything MoinMoin is gone from /usr/lib/python/sites-packages. If it didn't mix things up, moin should start working again. Maybe clean the cache.
If that isn't enough, just install 1.8.5.
Reply: Deinstalled, removed MoinMoin from site-packages, cleaned cache. Did not fix it. installing 1.8.5 from source, imported my data/pages and it fixed. Thanks.
SiteNavigation page missing from underlay in 1.9.0
I have just upgraded from 1.8.5 to 1.9.0 and I see there is no SiteNavigation page. I added my old page from 1.8.5 and it seems to work fine. In particular, all the linked pages are present. Is there some reason why it was removed and I shouldn't be using it, or is this an oversight. -- MarkSapiro 2009-12-19 16:44:03
Contents was merged into FindPage (and FindPage is referenced from default navibar).
Thank you. I never scrolled down far enough on FindPage to see it. My bad. -- MarkSapiro 2009-12-19 16:59:50
Cannot register new account -- 1.8.7 fresh install
I installed (not upgraded) 1.8.7 on Fedora 10 and cannot figure out how to add any accounts. The login page says "To create an account, see the UserPreferences page" but there is no UserPreferences page; clicking UserPreferences gives "This page does not exist yet". I also tried adding "?action=newaccount" to the URL and it says "Unknown action newaccount". BTW, the SendMyPassword page doesn't exist, either.
Please help!
This sounds extremly different to the moin-1.8.7 from our download page. By executing of the login action I see If you do not have an account, you can create one now. Forgot your password? So may be look into the Fedora 10 README or other documentations. I guess it is not a 1.8 release perhaps 1.5? -- ReimarBauer 2010-02-28 22:23:02
I know I did install moin-1.8.7. But, based on your note, I checked for other versions. Long ago (probably when I installed Fedora 10) apparently I installed moin-1.6.4 and it was in the path before 1.8.7. I moved it out of the way and now, magically, everything works. Thank you, ReimarBauer. -- -- LarryFenske 2010-03-02 05:52:01
No help pages in 1.9.1?
I installed (not upgraded) 1.9.1 on Fedora 10 and cannot find any help pages. Do I need to install some other version first, then upgrade to 1.9.1 to get help pages?
Did you copy the underlay/ directory to your instance directory or set data_underlay_dir appropriately in -- MarkSapiro 2010-02-28 18:14:07 Also see LanguageSetup -- MarkSapiro 2010-02-28 18:35:09
Yes, I did copy underlay and set data_underlay_dir. The help files don't seem to exist in the tar.gz distribution.
Oh, I see: LanguageSetup should install the help pages for me. I'll try it. I had gone back to 1.8.7 because it has help pages, but I'm having problems with it, too. Thank you.
With 1.9 we only pre install one page for you. Select in LanguageSetup what you want to have installed
- Honestly, that is a bad idea. English pages should be installed per default, IMHO. Everything else is optional ...
Need help on url
environment: windows 2008 r2 + iis 7.5 + moin1.9.2 i use the cgi mode(looks like the only way in iis7) to run wiki: http://localhost/moin.cgi some url looks fine:
some url looks bad:
create page - http://localhost/moin.cgi/moin.cgi?action=edit create a new account - http://localhost/moin.cgi/moin.cgi/moin.cgi?action=edit
what' wrong with it?
- -- I'm having the same issue on IIS7 with cgi, any ideas? (2010-07-12)
Unable to install Moin Moin 1.9.3 on a hosted server
i am trying to install the moin-1.9.3 on a hosted server, where i only have ftp access.
I am unable to change the apache config (I think, MoinMoin MUST be installable, without doing so).
Here are the troubles i encountered:
The Documentation is wrong/incomplete.
- The Point " anpassen" does not describe, what changes are needed.
The Point "Dateien hochladen" makes no sense. I think you need to upload the Folder /MoinMoin, don't you?
- I got it workig but i am still confused about the intended directory structure on the server, because the documentations are all different.
After this trouble i got MoinMoin working with FastCGI. (The Server does not support WSGI). But the entire CSS mechanism is broken.
The CSS is searched in wiki.domain.tld/moin_static193 -> WTF?
may be read again in your wikiconfig line 56 to 62 or here
- As far as i can see, the correct path is wiki.domain.tld/MoinMoin/web/static/htaccess
- I found some infos via google telling me to add a Apache Alias. But i can't do so, since i have no access to the apache config and afaik you can not add such a alias to a .htaccess file.
- I played around with the file and some other files regarding this. I have no idea, how to fix this.
What is the url to a page of your instance?
Can anyone help?
MoinMoin is a very nice wiki engine. But without root access on the server, you encounter very much installation problems and the documentation is very confusing.
This is may be the documentation for such an installation wants a maintainer. It would help if one make an HowTo for others for this kind of installation
This needs to be easier.
help and just do it
-- trequ
Using '/' as the "script name"
I did this with older versions of moinmoin, but the moin.cgi script changed (again) and I couln't find how to do it.
I can only use moin.cgi and .htaccess (I'm hosting on Dreamhost).
What I want is that my wiki be seen as
I already added a couple of lines to .htaccess so that it works partially:
DirectoryIndex moin.cgi index.html Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI # start the rewrite engine RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(static/|moin_static.*/|moin.cgi) - [last] RewriteRule ^(.*) moin.cgi/$1 [type=application/x-httpd-cgi]
So, if I go to it shows the correct page. However, if I click on SomePage there, it goes to , that is, what I need is to convince moinmoin to generate links using only /.
In previous versions, there were a properties array that you could set in moin.cgi like:
properties = {'script_name': '/'}
And in yet older versions, you put something similar as the argument to a function that drawed the page, but I don't know how to do this in 1.9.4.
-- MarianoAbsatz 2012-05-03 19:42:39
In Moin 1.9.4, if you use the moin.fcgi script (it works for CGI, too), you can edit the fix_script_name variable to specify the URL path. For example:
fix_script_name = '/'
I'm not sure of any reason why you'd use moin.cgi in Moin 1.9, but maybe it is still useful for something. -- PaulBoddie 2012-05-04 11:33:28 That worked alright, thank you (and started using moin.fcgi, btw). -- MarianoAbsatz 2012-05-05 22:33:10
upgrade, then unable to find data_dir
I had an old moin instance that I installed and ran with very little trouble for several years on an old Windows NT box.
The NT box is now gone (I no longer have any access to it) but I have a copy of the data from the old wiki, and I want to set up a new server to access it. I installed python and moin on a new Windows 7 box. Now I can start moin and it seems to come up fine. I can edit pages from the "out of the box" wiki that comes with moin. So far, so good.
Now I try to point the new moin instance to the data from my old wiki, which I've restored from a backup. I edit to set data_dir. This works just enough to let me know that I'm probably on the right track. If I set data_dir to point to a directory that doesn't exist, I get an error message like: Directory c:\moin\olstuff\data does not exist. But If I fix it to point to c:\moin\oldstuff\data it doesn't display pages from "oldstuff\data", I get some generic "out of the box" front page instead. There is a page called FrontPage in oldstuff\data\pages, so why doesn't it come up?
I think the new moin instance is 1.9.3. I'm not sure what version the old server was, but it had been installed several years ago and it ran ever since with no trouble, so I had not upgraded it. Are there incompatibility issues with wikis created with old versions of moin?
PaulBerglund 2012-12-05
OK, I think I've answered part of my own question: there are incompatibilities with wikis build with older versions of moin. I don't know, but I'm guessing that my old installation was 1.5.x or even older (it was more than five years since it had been touched). But I'm guessing that that wouldn't affect my ability to see wiki pages (though they might display incorrectly), right? Also, is there a way, without access to the old server box but just to backup of the pages of the wiki built using it, to tell what moin version that server was running? Even some rule of thumb like "if the old pages have formatting that looks like example1 then its before version 1.x.y, else if it looks like example2 then it's after" would be of help -- PaulBerglund Any links that look like [SomePage] or [SomePage link label] or [ example site] are from Moin 1.5 or earlier, whereas [[SomePage]] or [[SomePage|link label]] or [[|example site]] are from Moin 1.6 or later. Similarly, macros look like [[Macro(args)]] in Moin 1.5 or earlier but look like <<Macro(args)>> in Moin 1.6 or later. Particularly the latter should be easy to find on pages like FindPage. -- PaulBoddie 2012-12-05 14:21:13
- I looked at the file data\meta and it contained the line
- data_format_revision: 01050400
so I'm guessing that the previous moin instance was running version 1.5.4. Is that correct? I tried running moin migrate data as described in the migration readme file but that didn't turn out well. The first pass seemed to go OK but the second pass terminated with an error, leaving a number of pages missing or empty (the directory existed but had no contents). I still have the backup so the data getting trashed is not really a problem, but I am no closer to being up and running.--PaulBerglund
Please join us on irc, see May be we can help there. -- ReimarBauer 2012-12-06 23:13:27
The problem turned out to be that the data migration had died (writing something to stderr, but I had missed it) because it wanted to delete a directory that I had open in explorer or a cmd window. I'm up and running now.--PaulBerglund
- I looked at the file data\meta and it contained the line