Rick Vanderveer

rvanderveer * a t * cognitivearts * c o m

A nice 'feature' of Moin 1.6+ is the included HTML parser.

No longer do you need to add separate macros to your wiki, such as Columns or table alignments ||<tablestyle="float: right;"> ||. Instead, simply 'escape' the wiki, drop in some CSS, and you're done!

Of course, you can view view 'raw' text to see this example.


Upgrading Docs


I've also released & maintain the visually-friendly Moniker theme, which I invite you to check out. See Moniker on ThemeMarket.

My 'Wiki For Beginners' Pages

Below are a series of documents I have on my internal company wiki in effort to get newbies to more easily adopt wiki. Feel Free to steal whatever you want (let me know if you find it useful).


 1. copy the moniker19.py to your themes directory. 
    Desktop Standalone: This is usually in the /wiki/data/plugin/theme/ directory.
 2. copy the 'moniker' folder (the one that contains the css, img, and js folders) to your htdocs directory. 
     Desktop Standalone: uncomment the line in \wiki\server\wikiserverconfig.py for "docs=true"

 3. In your wikiconfig.py/farmconfig.py file, set (manually add the line)
     theme_default = 'moniker19'


MoinMoin: RickVanderveer (last edited 2014-12-27 17:24:45 by CatsMeow)