/ActionFilter /TableAttributesBug |
Álvaro Tejero
Things I am interested in (will enhance with links time permitting)
ocassional user http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/CraigA/OneClickLogin, fine-tune permissions
- Combining moinmoin with databases and forms (there might be financing for this).
- Report generation by shipping moin content through e.g. the cheetah template engine.
- YAML as an input alternative to forms for wiki-based databases.
A fast way to enter the HTML 4.0 basic colors by name for e.g. table background. Accepting <#red> would suffice.
- How is this:
- How is this:
- Use of javascript to improve usability. In particular, dealing with small wiki pages in a "blob" fashion, without ever visiting them. There's a potential to improve usability for stub pages (definitions, acronym expansions, guidelines on how to fill elements in a page).
See this for creative uses of JS, not all of them applicable or desirable http://www.tiddlywiki.com/.
Incorporation of categories in metadata and faceted browsing (see FacetedClassificationInMoin, FacetedNavigation, FacetBrowsingTheme).
- SSL.
- LDAP authentication.
Ability to invite users (there's already some discussion somewhere about how much the UserPreferences dialog is broken).
Typesetting pages via http://texmacs.org.
- page-wide search-and-replace, e.g. useful for turning all ocurrences of a word into links.
- ...
Those that are already more or less under consideration:
Rename that takes care of all dangling links, as argumented in SearchAndReplace.
wiki-wide SearchAndReplace which can be triggered through the web by the SuperUser.
- Moving attachments in 1.6.
- Connection with real-time collaboration: gobby.
Rich MetaData, if possible using YAML.
A better syntax than moin's current. Maybe textile or WikiCreole?.
- modern_cms theme: make the CSS IE friendly.
See ThemeMarket/MonoBook CSS
Bugs to be reported:
GuiEditor-TextEditor: rowclass (tr attribute) doesn't roundtrip correctly (lost after saving with the GUI editor).
- Check if your problems solved together with MoinMoinBugs/GUIEditorDestroysTableAttribute
- Templates suggested in the right column as well. Should be removed if they appear already in the first one, save if you're creating a template as well.
- Attachment filename in ALLCAPS (eg CAMBUSTION_DMS500.pdf) do not work.
see latest upload
I did here
= used as argument for my table-based Card macro breaks it!
To be entered as requests for features:
I would like to add Regexes to word_rule in parser/wiki.py to e.g. detect any "D.num.num_or_letter.num" as a Wiki page. But I read that there are other points in the code where word_re is specified, and that there might be problems if one changes only wiki.py. It would be interesting to have a robust mechanism to add categories of WikiNames just by appending (or-like) the suitable regexes to only one point.
Parsing of Comments lines: Many times I would like to introduce a link that justifies a particular change, I cannot do it with the extended notation for links. People would be able to jump directly from the RecenChanges or info record to the justification.
- What do you mean?
- Subscribe facility support for groups.
NewPage macro displays a given string greyed out in the field as example input (UI).
I added similar feature to the search box, and it was a bad idea because of browser incompatibility. Better to use standard and simple <label> instead of fancy and hard to get right and maintain placeholder text.
Notes to 1.6 migration:
UnderScoreQuotingProblem the default behaviour regarding _->%20 will change
FeatureRequests/RevertBackupFromEditor: moin 1.6 has "load draft" button now if there is a saved draft (preview/cancel/save saves a draft) different from the current version. /MoinEditorBackup pages are gone.
Check in changelog if FixLeaks is already implemented
Would like to incorporate FeatureRequests/MakeInvitations and other related patches.
Interesting links:
RickVanderveer/EditingFAQ RickVanderveer/MyFrontPage
AlvaroTejero/ActionFilter : You have to feed that through the wiki parser again if you want it rendered. See other places in the code where MoinMoin.parser.wiki is used.
MoinMoinBugs/RecentChangesIsBroken <Evaluate introduction MaxCampos patch
EmacsForMoinMoin <Test for next meeting minutes
DavidMontgomery/MyMoinMoinTweaks < Check AccessKeys status and linebreaks proposal
EventSystem <Read
SteveTindle/DocTools <Test
ZhangYunfeng/DivParser <Compare to CMS-inspired theme
MoinMoinPatch/ParsedInBodyHeaderFooter <Attachment list at the end interesting, 4 most recently modified pages...
MoinDev/DatasetBrowser <test
http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinBugs/UnderScoreQuotingProblem < Decide possible migration pattern
SSL-only write HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy