Email: <eduardo DOT mercovich AT gmail DOT com>
I work in knowledge management * interaction design (more info on I find wikis in general and MoinMoin in particular useful and fascinating for some KM tasks and team work, and as example of a social organization were people is trusted and empowered.
Moin use:
a public wiki called (it's theme is being worked here and with some other people we want to make it part of AccesibleMoin, see ThemeMarket/SimpleMente).
MoinMoinAsPim (running as standalone in Debian).
In the academic realm, I am professor of Hypermedial communication & interaction, a annual course in the Universidad de Tres de Febrero (Buenos Aires, Argentina). My experience with MoinMoin in the classroom is great (see MoinMoinSuccessStories, tecnología hipermedial).
BTW, do you use ssl in that classroom (exam) setup? If not, consider it.
No because I'm looking and I know them but thanks for the idea. I'll think about it.
I also teach at FLACSO some classes about "electronic platforms for education".
In a project I'm seeding right now we are planning to use a wiki with another tool ( making statistical analysis to facilitate knowledge discovery in legal cases. MetaData, ResourceDescriptionFramework (RDF) and wikis seems to be a very interesting area to explore. Let's see what happens (NGO have other times).
Here, GraphingWiki has really started a way...
My thanks to Thomas, Jürgen and all the rest of the MoinMoin contributors. Such a good and fruitful community is hard to find.
Some personal information (in spanish) is available at and you can see a few photos in
To do
Refactor and rename MoinMoinIdeas/EduardoMercovich.
These days...
Start WikiWeaving (include UI prototype).
FacetedNavigation, FacetedClassificationInMoin, SemanticWeb and SemanticMoin.
Messages to me
Hi Eduardo, I reverted your change of MoinI18n/es. You can't add (3rd party) strings that way that don't have (english) original strings within the moinmoin source code. Next time I run the update scripts they would have been removed anyway. -- ThomasWaldmann 2007-03-22 20:52:50
Sorry, I didn't knew.
I posted the same translated strings in the theme page, but still don't know how to compile it to a .py. I would like this translation to be useful to others but still don't know how.