SOC 2009 Project Ideas, mentors and students

These are some initial project ideas that should guide students when writing an application for GoogleSoc2009 (see the disclaimer there).

/!\ These ideas are very brief - we know that and we do that on purpose, because we expect from you that you get active, look into the moin code, talk to moin developers and work out a more detailled project proposal before writing your application. If your application is as brief as the ideas listed below, we see that you did not work on it enough. /!\

If you have any questions about these, come into the MoinMoinChat. This is especially helpful because the ideas here are mostly pretty short and might need some explanations.

If nothing else is mentioned, work will be based on the main repo (currently this is: ).

/!\ denotes project ideas that are important and still lack applications.



Project Ideas


  1. add ACL support
    • make ACL system more flexible (extend/refactor - maybe this should be either done by same student or after SOC, working in parallel on the old ACL code in another repo than the storage repo maybe doesn't make much sense)
  2. router middleware
  3. merging, testing
  4. full integration (iron out remaining glitches)
  5. SQLAlchemy backend (ChristopherDenter)

  6. more backends, backend that works on win32 without too much dependencies; complete unfinished helper backends
  7. /!\ make fs17 backend read-write or make fs backend work on win32

DOM tree based parser / formatter

ACLs / Groups / auth

User Interface enhancements

GUI Editor





Internationalisation (i18n)


Just some buzzwords, be creative. :)

(!) You can have a look at all the FeatureRequests that are already stored in this wiki. Some of them might be a good inspiration for a SOC application.

MoinMoin: GoogleSoc2009/InitialProjectIdeas (last edited 2010-02-13 01:07:12 by ThomasWaldmann)