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Summer of Code 2010 is over

4 GSOC MoinMoin projects have been done within GSOC 2010 (see below).

The good news is that all students produced good code we'll use in moin main branch:

The less good news is that not all students were able to fully complete their project due to circumstances mostly unrelated to moin or SOC.

We are hoping that they work together with us after SOC, so their code will live up to its full potential.

So, thanks to all students, developers, mentors, admins and Google for doing Summer of Code 2010 with us!

More info is on:

Code repository for submissions to google:

Students and their Mentors

Co-Mentors / SOC Administration:

See also our initial project ideas page.

Weekly IRC meeting

Students and mentors meet on IRC #moin-dev weekly at Sunday, 17:00 UTC (please adjust to your own TZ). doodle

What you can do before starting to code for SOC

Requirements while SOC coding phase is running

Please note that we do not expect that you are a perfect expert developer. But we expect that you are honest, and willing to learn/improve and working hard on your SOC project.

/!\ Repeatedly failing to comply with these requirements will lead to failure / termination of your SOC project.

Regular work

Regular communication with mentors and community

DOCS: for users and developers

CODE: clean, working and tested

What you need to do after GSoC has ended

With more recent version of mercurial, the previous command will look like :

hg export `hg log -M --template "{rev} " -k YOURNAMEHERE -r FIRSTREVTOINCLUDEHERE:`

SOC 2010 stats

Skript to generate nice graphs with commits/day and lines/day (uses hg activity extension)

Please note:

SOC students statistics

All non-SOC committers were excluded.

SOC moin2-based Commits / day


SOC moin2-based LOC / day


SOC moin19-based Commits / day


SOC moin19-based LOC / day


General moin repo activity

All commits to moin2-dev repo, no filters.

moin2 Commits / day


moin2 LOC / day


See also GoogleSoc2009, GoogleSoc2008, GoogleSoc2007 and GoogleSoc2006.

MoinMoin: GoogleSoc2010 (last edited 2010-11-02 09:43:49 by ReimarBauer)