I have setup an intranet Wiki on Windows with

When I use the explorer theme the tree shows all main categories in the root folder and in the [Orphaned] folder.

My wikiconfig.py contains the following lines:

    # You must use Unicode strings here [Unicode]
    page_category_regex = u'^Category[A-Z]'
    # to remove Category from cateroy names shown in eplorer theme
    #page_category_regex = u'^Category([A-Z].*)'
    page_dict_regex = u'[a-z]Dict$'
    page_form_regex = u'[a-z]Form$'
    page_group_regex = u'[a-z]Group$'
    page_template_regex = u'[a-z]Template$'
    # Exporere theme configuration ---------------------------------------
    # define the name of your root category
    explorer_root = u'CategoryRoot'   
    explorer_iconbar = ['login', 'separator', 'showcomments',
                        'subscribe', 'quicklink', 'separator',
                        'edit_gui', 'edit_text', 'attach', 'spellcheck',
                        'rename', 'delete', 'separator', 'diff', 'info',
                        'print', 'raw', 'separator', 'help','separator',
                        'home', 'find', 'likepages', 'sitemap', 'searchform']
    # LDAP --------------------------------------------------------------
    from MoinMoin import auth
    auth = [auth.ldap_login, auth.moin_cookie]

I have created a page CategoryRoot which contains a bullet list of three of my main categories (there are more). It does not contain any macros and is not assigned to any other category. All my main categories contain an internal link to the CategoryRoot page. I do have recursions in CategoryTemplate and CategoryCategory since I did not change the Moin system pages.

This happens in Firefox 2 and Intranet Explorer 6. Let me know if you need more details.

-- AnkeHeinrich 2007-10-14 15:00:23

Thank you very much, Anke, for helping me finding this bug. I fixed it in the 1.0.1 resp. 1.1beta2 releases. -- WolfgangFischer 2007-10-15 14:13:40

Thanks Wolfgang, I've installed 1.0.1 and this works for me now. -- AnkeHeinrich 2007-10-15 15:09:55

MoinMoin: ThemeMarket/Explorer/Fixed/MainCategoriesDisplayedInRootAndOrphanedFolder (last edited 2007-12-22 09:56:40 by WolfgangFischer)