- Attachments
- Images
- Importing from other editors
- Password
- Printing
- Tables
- Searching
- Linking to page actions
- How to successfully create categories that have more than one word in their name?
- How to ignore markup?
- Is it not possible to add any link to a title?
- Escaping Categories
- Is wiki markup in headings possible?
- E-mail notification of all changes
- MathML
- How to create a new page?
- How Do I Subscribe To A Category
- Change default HompepageTemplate
- Help with regular expressions in subscribe field
- MonthCalendar ease of use question for entries
- How can I put current day and time to a title?
- Is there an alternative GUI editor?
- Displaying only page content
- Regex: all pages but certain ones
- Indexing of Catchwords
- Full History
- Is it possible to use a list of pagenames which are not in CamelCase but this will be handled as an automatic wikipage link?
- Can i synchronize my wiki with a local one?
- E-mailing the diffs as a digest
- Slideshows
- Subscribing to RecentChanges
- Question: Can I create user defined variable in a page?
- Question: How do I include inline material from an external link?
- How to edit individual subtitles
- How can I refer to an attachment in my User CSS URL
- Include without <P>?
- How do you give editing access to anybody as long as they are logged in?
- Formulas
- How do I remove attachments from a page
- How do I make a form on a page?
- Alert icon when certain page changes?
- Is it possible to figure out who has done the most updates?
- Words containing the /-character
- What are dict pages?
- Viewing Document Title and Content Using The Include Macro
- How can I link to anchors in the HTML attachment?
- Links to same page do not work
- ''' How can I insert background image to my page? '''
- How can I include Return characters in a table cell?
- How can I change the text color in the table at the same using the width size?
- Is there a way of creating discussion pages for every page like in Wikipedia ?
- Add spaces in a line
- How to define a common group definition in a wiki farm?
- Ignore New Line in Source code
- wrong time
- Every MoinMoin installation I've visited is in Chinese.
- Controlling new page creation better
- How do I clear the cache?
- Different SPAN colors?
- Can I escape the }}} sequence in code blocks?
- CategoryTemplate
- DeleteCache link... what does it do?
- How do I enter an email address but disable automatic linking?
- List of Deleted Pages
- Dump to static HTML
- Updating attachments
- Changing the background colors of macros in my wiki
- You are not allowed to view this page
- Sharing Image attachments across pages
- Preventing line breaks in links
- How can I include a Page when the included Page is dynamic
- How to define my own startpage
- How do I align text to the right?
- Orphaned Pages and named internal Links
- Documentation of Regular Expressions
- Including RSS feeds in a page
- Using Java Applets possible?
- How I can Include pages only from a particular Category ?
- How to see all Changes from the beginning? (blocked on 2006-07-31)
- IRC on Wiki Pages
- Cannot edit new page -- get "Please use the interactive user interface to use action edit!"
- Multiple languages using multiple locales in one wiki page
- Open Links in a new Window
- Redirecting to an anchor
- How do I escape the contents of an embedded file ?
- How to show image from local network?
- How to use MoinMoin to setup the discussion board (forum)?
- problem including subpages
- Question: Is it possible for MoinMoin to read and format text files?
- Question: Does MoinMoin have a mail function?
- Mandatory comments for changes
- How do I link to a prior revision of a page?
- How to generate fixed pitch text WITH markup?
- Online wikifarm which supports synchronization with a local wiki
- Non ascii symbols in macro source files
- TableOfContents box width
- Hooks to actions
- Importing plugins of other types
- OrphanedPages shows linked Pages
- Displaying logged-in users?
- Is it possible to embed a Google Calendar into a wiki page?
- search, shortcuts and redirects - how they interact?
- heading 6th level
- (How) can I change the theme easily (without using "Preferences")
- How can I exclude a page from Moinmoin Engine
- RSS Feed for calendar
- Escape editor macros in headlines @SIG@
- Embedding verbatim matter in an ordered list without breaking the list-numbering
- Question, urgent please:
- Customize RecentChanges Macro?:
- Passing Variables to Templates
- Cannot get GraphViz working
- How to check, via a self written parser plugin, if the webpage is in preview-mode?
PDF attachments do not load in browser
Since I upgraded to version 1.5.3 the pdf attachments on my wiki pages will not load in my browser. I can download them and view them in acrobat, but cannot view them via the acrobat plugin. I see this behavior only with docs on my wiki. What can I do to correct this? -- JamesCurry 2006-04-23 11:30:21
Hi! I am having the same problem - but only on machines running Acrobat 7 (+Firefox + Windows XP) not on those using the older version of Acrobat 5 which displays a pdf's first page quite nicely. The Acrobat 7 plugin always gives an error message twice before I can download the attachment and view it in the external viewer. JensBachtler
- and what does adobe 8 do ?
With regard to loading times I am about to switch back to Acrobat 5 instead of upgrading. JensBachtler
- and what does adobe 8 do ?
In Firefox PDFs will load with the Acrobat plugin after installing the LocalLink add-on and selecting Open Link in Local Context from the contextual menu. --Marduk
Question: Can you copy a page and all of its attachments?
Is it possible to copy a page and all of its attachments, do some small changes to the page and upload the changed page as a new page?
Thanks. -- JohanZiprus 2025-03-12 05:57:10
You can move a page and all subpages (also the attachments) with a single command/action. Downloading and uploading a page; works only with single page. copy a page is disabled, due some "questionable behaviour". see also the changes...
-- MarcelHäfner 2008-06-24 15:29:51
Question: Action on Opening an Attachment?
I'm using the DeskTopEdition as a PIM and it is very good. I was planning on using the pages as a project logbook and storing associated project files as attachments.
You could store the files locally and link to them. This is not possible in most browsers either. Check the paragraph "Links to files" on the page DesktopEdition for further information.
serving files in zip archive attachments?
Is that possible? -- MSt 2006-02-24 13:15:17
- No, but you can extract them before you want to serve them.
How can I center ( or right justify ) image attachments?
If I install the plugin I can do something like:
{{{#!html <P align='CENTER'> <img src=''> </P> } } }
And the image will be fetched an be centered in the page. Is there any decoration that can appear around
That can achieve the same effect?
How can I use an attached image as link?
This my wiki page:
Infos und News 2010 [[Anchor(top)]] *[#kw16 KW 16] *[#kw14 KW 14] *[#kw13 KW 13] *[#kw11 KW 11] '''[[Anchor(kw16)]]KW 16''' [#top TOP] * [attachment:diesUndDas16.pdf Dies und das 16] '''[[Anchor(kw14)]]KW 14''' [#top TOP] * [attachment:diesUndDas14.pdf Dies und das 14] '''[[Anchor(kw13)]]KW 13''' [#top TOP] * [attachment:diesUndDas13.pdf Dies und das 13] '''[[Anchor(kw11)]]KW 11''' [#top TOP] * [attachment:diesUndDas11.pdf Dies und das 11]
This works but I wanted to replace "TOP" with an image called "image_TOP.png". I tried so many things but none of these worked. Is it possible to use an image to link to an anchor? Thanks for an answer.
in recent moin versions you can do it by
[[WikiSandBox#anchorname1|{{attachment:python_logo.png|text describing image|width=100}}]]
An example of that was added at bottom of WikiSandBox
Because of the syntax you showed I guess you have a moin version before 1.6. Please read SecurityFixes and update as soon as possible.
-- ReimarBauer 2010-04-22 10:32:14
This email already belongs to somebody else
(update problem; solved )
"Diese E-Mail-Adresse gehört bereits jemand anderem": This is the message I get if I want to update the user preferences of my own account. What I have done:
- install moin-1.5.0beta; create an instance moin-1.5.0beta/MyInstance
create user MaxMustermann with email
- install moin-1.5.2 into a new location; create a new instance moin-1.5.2/MyInstance
DO NOT: create user ErikaMustermann with email
copy the old data directory into the new instance: cp -R moin-1.5.0beta/MyInstance/data moin-1.5.2/MyInstance
login with MaxMustermann; the email is shown
- chance the default theme, "save preferences": get the error message.
The idea was to keep the old version running. The problem arises if you merge the user data of two running instances.
Solution: allow a mapping of different users to the same email address. -- Yes, I am aware of that: Somewhere else in this wiki there was the discussion, if one email adress should allow more than one UserNames. IMHO this should be allowed: It ist quite useful e.g. for demonstration or admin purposes; mainly it allows to play several social roles in the same group. The current moinmoin policy arises the need to have several distinct mail aliases on my server. Would it not be better to know within the wiki which different users have the same email? jbusse
Linking to e-mail addresses
Use the [[MailTo()]] macro: <>. You can also do spam protection: <FooBar AT FooBar DOT foo>.
Can one right-align images
How do one align images in the text? I would like the image to be right aligned and the text to flow around it on the left side. Thanks in advance.
{{attachment:LaVieEstDure.jpg|hover text|align="right"}}
Including external graphics with non-standard URLs
How can I include into a MoinMoin wiki page a graphic from some other ressource, if its URL does not end in .gif, .jpgetc.?
In-Line Image Syntax
I can't seem to find the appropriate syntax to embed an image in-line, position it on the page, set the size, etc. Any input on this appreciated.
To resize an image and/or provide an alt tag for it use MacroMarket/ . To align images see SectionParser or ParserMarket/Frame. ParserMarket/Frame by Reimar Bauer is really great and easy to use but has - since it is relatively new - still some issue
For size and alt tag you can just use
{{ image | alt | width=123px, height=456px }}
Position and size of attached images??
When I display an attached picture with attachment:albumcover.pngIt positions itself to the left of the page, and with the size the picture has. But I want to be able to have the picture aligned right and with a smaller size. Is this possible?? I suppose I could put it in a table with a tablestyle that positions it where I want it. But I can't change the size that way can I??
look at MacroMarket/ImageLink
ImageLink forces <<BR>>
I want to display a few images, all in a line. It can be done with attachment:a.png attachment:b.png attachment:c.png, but I need to use ImageLink. But every ImageLink forces line break (like ``BR), so it is impossible to have a row of images (and I don't want to use tables everytime). How can I stop ImageLink from forcing linebreaks? It's not even documented, that it should do it. If I want a linebreak, I can do it on my own :/
May be you have an older version, please check SystemInfo. Here it works as supposed. -- ReimarBauer 2007-04-13 19:11:31
- Well, I know now why it didn't work for me. It works, unless you want to indent it (by using space as a first character) and text/space between them. This way, it forces linebreak. Maybe it's a bug, maybe it isn't (rather is). See this (and see the code):
indented (and wrongly linebreaked):
I've added a bugreport, see MoinMoinBugs/IndentingAndSpaceBetweenTwoMacroCallsGivesLineBreak
indented (without the space in between not linebreaked): current workaround
Importing from other editors
Copy/paste from Microsoft Equation Editor 3.0
Is there a easy way to copy/paste mathematical formulas from MS Eqation editor 3.0 to Wiki pages. Failing that, any workaround would be appreciated.
Paste from Word does not appear to work in MoinMoin 1.5
Whenever I try to paste from MS Word in the gui editor some invisible formatting seems to come along for the ride and mess things up. I use the paste from Word option every time. I have tried checking both options for "Ignore Font Face..." and "Remove Styles Definitions", neither seems to do anything. If I paste from word, and then manually go through "sanitizing" the styles then things seem to work OK. But I thought that was the point of the paste from Word option, to do that for me. Word 2003 seems to be much worse than Word 97, but that is from limited testing, and I did still see problems with Word 97. I never tested 2000 or XP though.
-- I experience the same problem using Word 2003 and Word 2007. I'm going to test in Word 2000 as well. Is there some secret to getting this to work? --
Importing text file
Is there an easy & quick way to import data from a text file and convert it into multiple wiki pages, using a simple separator between entries ?
Resetting Password Problem
I am confused about the resetting password feature, this is with 1.5.3. When it sends the email the password is the SHA encrypted value, and the text on UserPreferences says to "Just copy and paste it into the login mask into the password field and log in." But I can't seem to get it to work. When I paste that into the password field and try to login it tells me "Sorry, wrong password" Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
I found the source of the problem, and also a fix. See MoinMoinBugs/ResetPasswordEmailImproperlyEncoded
Lost User Password
I have not been able to set the wiki up so that it emails lost user passwords to people. Is there any way that I can retrieve a lost-password manually from the data/user files (or elsewhere)?
With a recent moin version (like 1.5.3+) you can change to that user on your UserPreferences page if you are a superuser. Then just set him a new password and tell him.
No, but you can manually log in by appending ?action=userform&uid= followed by the filename of the user's data file (grep in .../data/userfor the user name) to the page URL.
- Alternatively, you can use the following script to generate a new encrypted password. Insert this password into the file containing the user profile.
passwd = "something" from import hash_new import base64 from MoinMoin.util import random_string salt = random_string(20) hash = hash_new("sha1", passwd) hash.update(salt) print base64.encodestring(hash.digest() + salt).rstrip()
password recovery
Asking for the second time,
I have access to the config files, but email apparently isn't enabled (even though I put in an SMTP server in just now) and thus there is no "mail me my account data" link. I tried pasting in the SHA-1 hash from my file in wiki/share/moin/data/user/... but it won't accept it. How can I get access again? It seems ridiculous to me that a lost password for an admin account is unrecoverable!
Did you enter the mail_from variable too, otherwise I'd suggest to do it -- ReimarBauer 2006-06-01 06:50:32
Changing Print font size
How do you change the font size for the print page?
- If your are admin: by changing the file print.css which lies in htdocs/theme_name/css/
- If your are a user: by changing the scale in print preview of your browser (under 'File'). Works in Firefox 3, IE 7, Flock 1.2.4. Chrome has a "Text zoom" option under the current page control.
Nesting a table in a list
Is it possible to nest a table in an li element? - resulting in i.e.
<ul> <li>Item A</li> <li>Item B <table> <tr> <td>A</td><td>B</td> </tr> <tr> <td>C</td><td>D</td> </tr> </table></li> <li>Item C</li> </ul>
When I try
* Item A * Item B || A || B || || C || D || * Item C
I don't get the desired result ...
A workaround is to add the table on a subpage and to include it
* Item A * Item B <<Include(/Table)>>
Another one is to add nested markup by the MacroMarket/MiniPage macro
Editing Tables In GUI
We have users that don't really get the special characters in Wiki and so don't like to use the Wiki. Therefore we are upgrading to this later version of MoinMoin Wiki. I have tried using the GUI editor, but there is a distinct lack of help text on using the GUI, as far as I can find. But the GUI should have even more help for those types of people that use it. Yes some things are just like standard programs that they use, so those parts should be easy for them. But there are other things that are not in standard programs and should have extensive help available. Anyway, I could find no way to edit an existing table - in particular to add or remove rows or columns. There is a button that sometimes is enabled, but it only seems to be able to insert a new table, even though it says "Insert/Edit". Hopefully I am missing something simple. Otherwise there seems a major usability problem here. How does someone perform these operations in the GUI? [I won't go in to more advanced things, such as spanning, which are probably very hard to put into the GUI, but the ones that I am asking about are very basic table manipulations.] Thanks.
Hmm did you tried as in other programs the right mouse click in a table. The icons and the text behind them should help to find the action you are asking for. Some of these functions may not be implemented for each case or combination completly by now. If you got a wiki syntax error please file a bug report at MoinMoinBugs. This does much help to improve this tool -- ReimarBauer 2006-07-06 05:31:21
- I found out that we had some sort of configuration problem, probably due to permissions. Everything seems to work correctly now - and it is pretty nice (and it does have span (merge)). (Although I did not see any help for the GUI.) Sorry for the false alarm.
As you know the editor is the fckeditor. We would be glad if someone could help to add a short description on that on If it's the first time helping with documentation please read EditingOnMoinMaster before hand. -- ReimarBauer 2006-07-06 21:31:15
- I found out that we had some sort of configuration problem, probably due to permissions. Everything seems to work correctly now - and it is pretty nice (and it does have span (merge)). (Although I did not see any help for the GUI.) Sorry for the false alarm.
Borderless tables
||<style="border: none;"> borderless table || produces a borderless cell, which works with firefox and IE6. <tablestyle="border: hidden;"> works with firefox, but not IE6. Bordless tables don't seem to be covered in the HelpOnTablesexamples.
-- I posted this here originally because I had been bitten by MoinMoinBugs/TableStylesAreNotRespected and couldn't produce borderless tables. -- GregWhittier 2006-03-29 14:21:55
-- You may want to look at MacroMarket/Columns if you need simple column layout rather than complex tables. It will result in a borderless presentation. -- DanONeill 2007-08-15
Default Table Formatting
I'm trying to figure out how to customize tables using CSS. What I want is something like in MediaWiki with the Wikitable class where the table formats with certain colors, header and borders based on a tableclass. I've tried pasting the Wikitable CSS code into the common.css file from sinorcaformoin (the theme I'm using). I can't seem to get this to work. I've even edited the default table settings in this file and can get some but not all the formatting to affect a table. For instance, I can't seem to get padding to change. What I really want is for the first row to take the heading (th) formatting. I'm new to CSS and I'm getting pretty frustrated. Any suggestions would be very welcome. Regards, Eric Shain
Marking up a table for automatic row numbering
Q: I would like to create a table who's first column is autonumbered..
1 |
stuff |
2 |
more stuff |
This would allow for easy insertion of data. Thanks, Dave.
Reply : I am not sure how to understand this. Where should the number come from? e.g.ParserMarket/sctable or ParserMarket/sstable
Reply to reply : I was hoping the rows would be autonumbered starting at 1 - Dave Thanks for the sctable pointer
Lists inside of a table cell
can I include list in a table cell? I've tried:
|| 1. aaa<<BR>> 1. bbb<<BR>> 1. ccc||
but this produces incorrect numbering:
1. aaa |
see MacroMarket/MiniPage or use Include
Nested tables
Can I somehow create a table inside another table's cell?
Use the Include macro or MacroMarket/MiniPage.
- Thanks, I did but how to make the inner table to keep the whole outer table's cell space? Now there is much free space between outer table cell's borders and the inner table borders
Produces sth like:aaaaaaaaaaa
- The css for tables needs changes.
Coloured Tablecells are printed uncoloured
This table can be viewed with the proper colours in the browser.
green |
red |
white |
blue |
But when you try to print it, all the color disappears. How can I print it with colors or how to make it compatible for printing?
Can FullSearch also do un-formatted output?
2008-07-10 Is there an option for <<FullSearch(...)>> to output results not like:
1. firstresult 2. secondresult 3. ...
but like:
firstresult, secondresult, thirdresult, ...
It would consume much less space on the screen. I would like to dynamically show pages from Categories on the starting page. The list output destroys the whole layout of the starting page, while unstructured output would look very nice like tag clouds...
How do I avoid searching the WikiHelp when performing a full text search?
I'd like to find sg. via full text search, but i'm getting lots of results of WikiHelp which makes it hard to find the (few) entries of my own wiki data.
for which version do you ask?
I'm using MoinMoin Version 1.2.4 [Revision 1.187] Can you please tell me from which version on it is possible to suppress searching the WikiHelp?
- Currently (as of 1.5.3), you can't suppress it. But using 1.5.3+ you can reduce the amount of system and help pages by only installing the languages you need.
how can I make a link to a search?
I want to make a link to a search to all my pages starting with 'Categorie', I tried several ways :^Categorie&titlesearch=Titres that works but mark this link as external, so not really good
^Categorie&titlesearch=Titres:wiki:Self:StartPage?action=fullsearch&value=regex:^Categorie&titlesearch=Titres doesn't work, it seems to convert all ? to %3F and all = to %3F in the link so it doesn't work
Anyone have a solution to this problem ? -- EricVeirasGalisson 2006-04-14 08:15:19
Yes, the page CategorieCategorie already does what you are trying. On it, there is a search marco that creats the list (see HelpOnMacros and HelpOnSearching. Ok, but this is the solution for the next problem (how to search for categories) but not to link to a search. Maybe, there is no solution, nevermind, i'll manage with that. Thanks. -- EricVeirasGalisson 2006-04-18 06:51:06
What is the recommended way to search for categories?
I found very different implementation for backlinks:
[[FullSearch(regex:\bCategoryName\b -title:regex:^Category)]]
[[FullSearch(regex:(----(-*)(\r)?\n)(.*)CategoryName\b)]](This seems to match the stuff generated by the "Make this page belong to category" option)
Linking to page actions
Before I upgraded my wiki I was able to use he syntax Link to a page with an action however with the latest version the editor translates the ? and = to %syntax? Is there a way to do a wiki link to a page with an action? Is there an escape sequence for the special characters?
You can use link parameters with [[wikipage|Link to a page with an action|&action=edit]] which render Link to a page with an action
Marc Zonzon
How to successfully create categories that have more than one word in their name?
I'm not responsible for the configuration or installation of the wiki, but I'm the editor of a MoinMoin-powered wiki and I'm having some bizarre trouble with categories, even if I've followed the instructions found on HelpOnCategories - it seems that I can create categories (by adding the CategoryWhatever tag in the respective pages) only if their name is a one-letter one, like CategoryWhatever. When I try to enter multiple words in the title of a category, it creates a new page. Can you please explain category creation step by step to see if I'm doing anything wrong? Otherwise I'm guessing that there's a kind of setting in the configuration that prevents me from naming categories as I would - thanks.
Edit - I figured it out - when the new page is created I just click on the CategoryTemplate and then it turns the new page into a category. Phew.
How to ignore markup?
Is it possible to ignore the wiki markup. For example if you want to write a date at the beginning of an indented paragraph MoinMoin interprets this date as a list entry. See example below:
- This is an indented text. The next line should start with the date: 21. August 2008 but what you see is this:
- August 2008 (hmm, this is a list entry and not what I want)
21. August 2008 (that's how it looks with backticks) 21. August 2008 (this one has a backticked leading space ... also not what I want)
I know that enclosing it in backticks would solve that problem but it will also switch the font to monospace. Is there any other way to ignore the markup for certain entries?
Seems that I found the answer myself: a list without bullets will help. Put a 'space .' infront of the indented paragraph. Example:
- This is an indented text. The next line starts with an un-bulleted list to show the date correctly.
- 21. August 2008
To ignore CamelCase for example put the exclamation point in front of the text that isn't intended to be CamelCase
Is it not possible to add any link to a title?
First note that the "Make this page belong to category" option format is not very important, as anyone can change the text on the page. You should not assume that all categories are created using this format.
In moin 1.3.4, search has a new linkto: modifier. This modifier does not search in the page text but in the page links cache files, which is much faster and put less load on the server. The [[FullSearch()]]syntax should use this option. But this will find any page that link to the page title, even if its not a category. The last syntax using the hr should more correct, but if someone deleted the hr or added whitespace or comments below it, it will not find the page.
Since categories are not defined in a strict way, there is no one good way to search them. Adding Categories:prefix might help to fix this problem.
Escaping Categories
Pages can be attached to some category, but how can this be made undone? (without deleting or renaming the page of course)
Simply remove the category tag at the end of the page.
Is wiki markup in headings possible?
Wikimarkup in headings is not possible in default, but is possible with a patch. See FeatureRequests/TitleFormatting
E-mail notification of all changes
How can we force sending eMail notification of each change to registered users which have subscribed to mail notification?
Insert .* in your UserPreferences to subscribe to every page. Also, look at CategorySpam. There is a UserPreferences switch Subscribe to trivial changes which allows you to see even changes which were marked as trivialby the submitter.
See MathMlSupport.
How to create a new page?
Use the macro MacroMarket/ImageLink. It is already included in the DesktopEdition.
How Do I Subscribe To A Category
I'd like to track all pages that fall under a (say) CategoryDiscussion category. I don't think there is a title RegularExpression (for use in UserPreferences) to accomplish this. Should I file a FeatureRequest? I saw a "FeatureRequest#Page Subscription Options" (under Old Feature Requests, but I don't know what Old means -- won't be implemented? -- MicahElliott
Please see HelpOnSubscribing -- RayMosteller
Change default HompepageTemplate
How is the new homepage mechanism implemented? Can i change the default template that is give by the name HomepageTemplate. As I translate templates into my local language the HomepageTemplate has another name (ending "Template" changed) -- ThiloPfennig 2006-02-05 11:06:09
- See cfg.page_template_regex.
Help with regular expressions in subscribe field
I am trying to subscribe to a group of pages and their sub pages using a regular expression
The page names are of the form VerPlanning/Metrics.
I can subscribe to all pages with .*
However I want to be able to subscribe to *VerPlanning* and this does not seem to work. Any hints or examples would be really appreciated.
*VerPlanning* is not a valid regular expression. It means zero of more of nothing, then VerPlannin, then zero or more g
What you like to use is .*VerPlanning.* or VerPlanning/? - it is not clear from the question what should be the correct pattern. Please see HelpOnSubscribing -- RayMosteller
MonthCalendar ease of use question for entries
I want to use the MonthCalendar as a group vacation calendar. I wanted to have a calendar for the group and provide a template with everone's name on it. If someone was planning vacation for a day then they would mark their name so it would show up when the pointer is held over that day. It appears that only the first level headers show up. Could Other list entries be added? For example, *.
GlennOpdyckehansen, <glennoph AT gmail DOT com>
MonthCalendar currently only displays first level headlines. The space you have in that bubble is somewhat limited, so I don't know whether it makes sense to include more headline levels or other content of the target page. If everybody puts his name into a firstlevel header, it would solve your problem maybe. -- ThomasWaldmann 2006-06-23 06:22:41
How can I put current day and time to a title?
I mean just like MonthCalendar. if I put a [[DateTime(2006-09-13T13:20:26Z)]] into a Newpage macro it expoands but expands to the current time. What i want is rather a substitution by the current time. Did I miss that or is it described somewehere on the docs? I want to egenrate pagenames like ExamplePage-08-13-2006-14:00
- I solved this problem. Use this code (works in moin 1.9):
= News = <<TableOfContents>> Click to post a news item: <<NewPage(NewNewsPostTemplate,Post a new item,@SELF,%Y-%m-%d.%H%M%S)>>
This will create a new subpage with the name yyyy-mm-dd.hhmmss (ex: wiki/News/2012-04-19.160449). The %Y, %m, etc are Python codes. See for more info. Good luck! signed happy Moin user
Is there an alternative GUI editor?
I was wondering if there is any extensions out there for a bit better GUI editor that include more buttons/shortcuts?
You can if you use iceweasel/firefox install an add-on called "It's All Text". With this you can edit with your favourite editor. I'm soon going to start making a moinmoin mode (not syntax) for Vim... -- Fri Feb 2 22:48:31 CET 2007
Displaying only page content
We want to use the wiki-information for a help-window in our client application. In this window we would only want to have the page-content. The user should be able to navigate from page to page using page links.
Create a minimal content theme for your wiki that does nothing:
Copy this file to your wiki/data/plugin/theme/, and in your wiki cofniguration file, set theme_default = 'content'.
See HelpOnThemes for more information.
Regex: all pages but certain ones
I want to list all subpages, that do not contain the word "Server". I tried <<PageList(Your search query "OurProjects/^(Server" is invalid. Please refer to HelpOnSearching for more information.)>> but that didn't deliver anything. I also tried
Are the MoinMoin-regex somewhat non-standard?
Indexing of Catchwords
I'm looking about a function like catchwords in library systems and to create an index over it. So I could use (maybe) the '#pragma keywords word1, word2, word3' and would like to get an output like WordIndex.
Why don't you simply use the search function when looking for some catchword?
I don't like to search for a special word. I would like to get a list of catchwords and a link to the pages where is it located like the WordIndex or TitleIndex function of MoinMoin.
Any help how I could implement this would be helpful. I tried to adapt the WordIndex function to a macro but without any Python knowledge and about the existing MoinMoin objects it's quite difficult.
Bye the way - which editor would you suggest for Python programming?
You can use any text editor you like (it should be able to expand tab key to 4 spaces). Many people use vim or emacs (you have to get used to them). If you prefer something IDE like, try eric3.
- Thanks - I will try it.
Full History
How can I display links to all versions of a page? Currently only the last 100 are shown at the page history. BTW: Manually editing the URL is not an option.
- We don't offer more than 100 revisions from the web UI (mainly due to performance reasons and because it is usually not needed). Why / for what do you need that? You can have access to every revision ever made via the filesystem.
Our wiki has a news page that gets updated regularly, the last 100 revisions only go back for a few months. My users have asked me about access to the older versions. Since they have no shell access they could only fetch older versions by manipulating the query string which poses two problems:- Usability: The average user isn't able to manipulate the query string, even more the date format isn't very intuitive (is it a unix date?)
- Frames: By entering the URL manually you loose the navigation frame.
Adding a link to the next 100 revisions sounds like a candidate for FeatureRequests, but if you just want to show all revisions all the time in the history table, edit and find the following lines in the history() function:count += 1 if count >= 100: break
Change break to pass, and you'll see all revisions. The performance hit will (obviously) depend on the number of revisions for the page you're looking at; viewing the history of a page with 1000 revisions will take about 10 times as long as a page with 100 revisions. -- BradeyHonsinger 2006-10-26 18:33:11
There is now a Feature Request: --Neal McBurnett
Is it possible to use a list of pagenames which are not in CamelCase but this will be handled as an automatic wikipage link?
I would like to create a list of possible WikI page names, which will be handled the same way as names in CamelCase are handled. I.e. MoinMoin should automatically create a link the that page. Examples for such names are ABC DEF ABC123 DEF222 and even 1234. This would save a lot time for users (and for me...) - is this possible?
No, not out of the box. You would've to write your own wiki parser for such a thing. There was a thing named GaGa parser some time ago (pre-1.3) that linked every word which had an existing page, but I didn't revive it yet for 1.3+ due to performance reasons (getting a page list is much more time consuming in 1.3 than before). Maybe you can write your own parser, reusing code from (parser) and putting the words to link onto a wikidict page. If you don't want to write it yourself, there are FeatureRequests and MoinBounties. -- ThomasWaldmann 2005-12-03 09:32:27
Thomas, thanks for your comment. I will know at least have a starting point. Thanks, Henk
Can i synchronize my wiki with a local one?
I would like to have my wiki on my notebook to have all my information with me when travelling. When returning i like to syncronize with the ServerVersion of my wiki. Is there any way to syncronize in one or better both directions?
I'm using unison as a synchroniser. I'm using it to fully synchronise both copies (desktop, notebook) with deletions and all. It needs some setup but works fine, at least for me, because I'm using it under the following preconditions:
I am the sole user of the wiki (DesktopEdition) at the desktop and the notebook.
- I always do a sync when switching from desktop to notebook or vice versa. If you forget a sync, this could become a problem.
Additionally, see WikiSynchronisation.
E-mailing the diffs as a digest
When page are changed more than a few times per day, a person who wants to receive e-mail containing those changes can get a lot of e-mails.
MoinMoin does not have mail digesting. Please file a FeatureRequest.
I am would like to create a slideshow over several existing pages on my wiki. The pages are in no particular order and in different subfolders. (The slideshow should point to different character pages for an MMORPG guild that is spread over several games, so I may wish to add both StarWarsGalaxies/Humpty as well as WorldOfWarcraft/Dumpty).
- The right way is to have short subpages that consist of the Navigation macro and a Include.
Subscribing to RecentChanges
I noticed that you can subscribe to the RecentChanges page. Does this make sense? How does it actually work? I do not receive notifications to 'changes' to this page.
If you want to subscribe to all pages, go to GetVal(UserPreferences) and enter .*into the list of subscribed pages.
Question: Can I create user defined variable in a page?
I have to type a common URL path quite a bit in some of my pages for inline images. It would be nice to define a variable at the beginning of the page and refer to it later - e.g. #define IMGURL=//
and then go
in the text.
Yes, you can create a page below your WikiHomepage called MyDict and add a dictionary definition on it. After that, you can "call" it on the page like @IMAGEURL@. See WikiDict.
Hmm, I think that this won't solve my problem. I want to be able to add the variable in the text, and perhaps change it later. Don't @VARIABLES@ get replaced after edit? Also I'd like to be able to set the variables in the page in question. I think that TWiki does this, but I've installed MoinMoinnowandpreferit. I can't abide Perl.
I have managed to hack the feature by modifying, and I've never written python before, so my code is probably appalling, but it seems to work! I added a new pp command called '#set' and you go '#set variable value'. By default $variables are ignored - for backwards compatibility - but as soon as sees a "#set" command, variable_mode is switched on and subsequent $variables are replaced. Do you want to add this feature? Do you want to see my appalling code?
We like to see only nice code I think you can get the same effect with pragma and a macro and not change to moin code.
First, you add values to the page with a pragma:
#pragma foo bar #pragma bar baz
This will put foo and bar into request.pragma dict.
Now you write a tiny macro called Get.pythat get the argument:
Dependencies = [] def execute(macro, args): replacement = macro.request.getPragma(args) if replacement is None: return '[[Expand(%s)]]' % macro.formatter.text(args) return macro.formatter.text(replacement)
On the page, you use Get(foo) when you want to expand something. It may be too verbose compared with $foo or ${foo} - but I'm not sure if this feature is needed for most users.
Question: How do I include inline material from an external link?
I want to include some material from another site in-line. This ability is aluded to in the help, but the technique itself is not explicitly described. How do you do it?
There are macros for that. See MacroMarket.
How to edit individual subtitles
MediaWiki has this nice property that you canedit each subtitle individually instead of editing the whole page. Thatmakes it easy to locate the piece you want to modify in long pages. Isthis possible with MoinMoin too? If not, is there a way to ask for a new feature?
this could be done by Include with the editlink option look at HelpOn/Include
How can I refer to an attachment in my User CSS URL
I would like to upload a css file as an attachment and refer to it in User Preferences -- it this possible?
Just use the AttachFile get URL as shown on the AttachFilepage. Alternatively, you can also put the CSS directly on a page. Search this wiki for title containing CSS to see how.
Include without <P>?
Is there a way to include a page without breaking the current paragraph?
- No.
How do you give editing access to anybody as long as they are logged in?
Search this page for "registered users."
Is there any "best" way to integrate mathematical formulas in MoinMoin 1.5 betax Wiki Pages?
Use Latex (see ParserMarket, MacroMarket) or MathML (just see the link on this page).
How do I remove attachments from a page
Sorry, maybe this question is a little bit dump, but I've been looking through the documentation trying to figure out how to delete attachments on pages, but I didn't find anything. Maybe I missed something. But anyway. Would anybody be so kind to give me a hint on how to delete attachments. Thanks in advance.
Just use action AttachFile on the page. It lists your attachments and allows you to download, show or delete them. You should also remove the markup that refers to the attachment from your page, otherwise you will be asked to upload the attachment again.
If there are many attachments on the page better you rename the page and add a prefix e.g. DeleteThisPage. Then delete the page and it's subdirs on the server that is much easier. -- ReimarBauer 2005-12-05 22:45:54
Thanks for your immediate reply. But when pressing the AttachFile I do not get a link to delete the attachment. There is just a link to load and show the attachment. Do I have to change the configuration of the wiki to see this action? 2025-03-12 05:57:10
Look into your if you have a line like this
allowed_actions = ['DeletePage', 'AttachFile', 'RenamePage' ]
and if you use acls then the acl right delete must be given to you. Or just try logging in.
Thanks the delete right was missing in an acl.
How do I make a form on a page?
Is this even possible? I'd like to be able to design a form into a wiki page. I could then program an action to respond to the form, or redirect the form to another site which handles it. If MoinMoin doesn't let you create forms, are there any plans to in the future? If so, have you decided how they will be described in wiki format yet?
This is listed as "TODO" on HelpMiscellaneous/ExperimentalFeatures (and has been since at least 1.1
) There's a macro that suggests that there is some support and a proposed markup, but I don't quite remember the markup. Probably best way is to steal code from one of the actions or macros that use forms (I started from, however you will end up coding your forms in HTML. -- RobertSeeger 2005-12-06 14:32:13
Alert icon when certain page changes?
Hello. I'm setting up a basic intranet wiki with a likewise basic "announcements" page (I won't say "blog") that I'd like to link to on the frontpage
Is there a way that users landing on the frontpage can be alerted when a new announcement has been posted? I'm thinking of an icon that stays up for 24 hrs after a new post goes up, or just a time-stamp next to the "announcments" link on the frontpage...
Probably a simple solution is to use a page which first five lines are included to the FrontPage. New items need to be added always on top of this page. Look at HelpOnMacros/Include -- ReimarBauer 2005-12-27 21:59:04
Is it possible to figure out who has done the most updates?
To get a vague impression, go to RecentChanges. To get exact numbers, write a macro reading the global edit-log.
Words containing the /-character
If I name an article AC/DC. The link in the top of the page is written AC/ DC with a space in it. Also if I click the AC part and article named AC is loaded. Is there a way of naming an article with words containing the / without this behaviour??
No, as the slash is used as kind of path separator. Maybe make the page named ACDC or AcDc or AC\DC and a headline = AC/DC =on it.
What are dict pages?
In the configuration there are some entries more or less undocumented: page_dict_regex, page_form_regex, page_group_regex, page_template_regex
I conjecture that "forms" are this not working feature (FeatureRequests/FormEditing, FormSamples) and groups are used for acl, but the other two? -- -- TobiasPolzin 2006-01-30 20:17:40
- dicts are used e.g. for extending the navi_bar with custom translatable items.
- templates are used for creation of new pages, see the list there when you try to
Viewing Document Title and Content Using The Include Macro
I'm trying to put a blog-ish front-end on my wiki using the include macro. I'm having a few problems, so any help with these questions would be grealy appreciated.
Is there a way to display both the title of the page and the content using this macro? The HelpOnMacros/Include page infers that titles should be included by default, but I never see it.
I can't see the title of my included pages, even if I use the titlesonlyparameter. Here's the macro line that I'm using:
[[Include(^BlogTest/.*,, to="^----$", sort=descending, items=7, titlesonly)]]
That macro doesn't show any content (which is expected) but it also doesn't show the titles. Is there something that I'm missing? If I get rid of the titlesonlyparameter, then I see the content, but no title.
Please show us which version you are trying (SystemInfo)
How can I link to anchors in the HTML attachment?
Q: I have an HTML file attached to some page. I link to it using attachment:something.html and that works fine.
However, this particular file is large, automatically generated one, and I would like to create links directing to the anchors in it, like:
This is not possible, whole something.html#line20052 string is considered to be the name of a new file.
Is there any patch/solution I could use, apart from using long, ugly, error-prone and due-to-change GET url?
- Thanks. - nosek
Links to same page do not work
Look at HelpOnEditing/SubPages. On this page "HelpOnEditing/SubPages" is not rendered as a link (see first example). "HelpOnEditing/SubPagesXxxx" would, thus I conjecture that just links to the page itself are not rendered as links. Is this a bug or a feature?
- Of course this is a feature.
''' How can I insert background image to my page? '''
Is the a way in moinmoin where I can insert a background image aside from the color background.Coz I want my page to have a background image. Thanks.......
How can I include Return characters in a table cell?
If a place text that includes returns (new lines) in a cell, the table breaks. In particular, this prevents me from placing a bulleted or numbered list in a cell. Is there a special character that I can use in a cell that will not break the table? Or is there a table format that will not break when it includes returns? I already tried a CVS table.
-- DavideAndrea Mar-17-2006 (try @ SIG @ without the blanks)
Do you speak about something like this?
* one |
next cell |
see MacroMarket/MiniPage -- ReimarBauer 2006-03-17 18:18:23
You could also use the Include macro inside a table cell to do this:
||'''Name'''||'''Tasks'''|| || Foo || <<Include(FooTasks)>> ||
Create a page FooTasks with e.g. following contents:
* Task 1 * Task 2 * Task 2.1 * Task 2.2 * Task 3
-- Taufan 2011-01-06
(please read HelpOnVariables and look at SIG for signature)
How can I change the text color in the table at the same using the width size?
- hello I'm working on a table and what I'd like to do is to change the text color of the table and give specific size of the table.But my problem is whenever I change the text color the size doesn't make on the size that I specify same as well on the size when the size is the size I specify but the color doesn't change. Thanks in advance and hope you will help me with this problem......
Is there a way of creating discussion pages for every page like in Wikipedia ?
I want to set up an Internet Site for a non commercial Projekt. All People (about 30) involved should build the Internet Site together, wich is why a wiki is perfect.
Because of the Gui Editor and the fact that I don´t need a special database for it I would like to use MoinMoin
But we also want the Public to use the Pages for Information, so Discussion should be kept off the normal pages. Discussion should, like in Wikipedia, be visible by clicking on a standardized discussion Button.
Is there a way to achive this is MoinMoin, maybe an extension or a kind of macro ? btw: I dont want to Insert a discussion Link manually in every page.
Gunter Kramp
I'd very much like that, too. It seems strange to me that there's no easy way to do this; a better answer than what amounts to "RTFM" would be nice, too. -- kamagurka 2006-08-23
see HelpOnTemplates
or look at and change it for your needs
-- ReimarBauer 2006-03-22 04:02:18
Add spaces in a line
What is the easiest way to add "n" spaces in a text line?
moin equivalent of " "
-- JeanJacquesKahn 2006-03-24 15:18:10
Use backtick to surround the spaces (like this). The spaces will be in a different font, but hopefully that doesn't matter.
like ` ` this
-- SteveDavison 2006-03-24 16:37:55
Thanks -- JeanJacquesKahn 2006-03-27 08:32:18
How to define a common group definition in a wiki farm?
We need to give rights to the same group of people on all the wikis of a farm ex.: FarmAdminGroup .
I created a group definition page in the underlay pages that can be seen from any wiki, but the correct access rights are only granted after saving a local copy in each wiki.
Any idea? -- JeanJacquesKahn 2006-04-07 16:22:48
It should work. If it doesn't, it is maybe because of the wikis don't notice the updated page. In that case, you could remove the file data/cache/wikidicts/dicts_groups after updating the group page. If it still doesn't work, stop wiki, delete file, start wiki. If you run a moin 1.5.2+, please file a bug. -- ThomasWaldmann 2006-04-07 16:58:53
It helped indeed, thanks -- JeanJacquesKahn 2006-04-28 08:46:26
How can I show UTC date and time in a similar way to Wikimedia (see ) ????????
Moin internally only uses UTC, but calculates your local time according to your UserPreferences setting on page view. If you set your timezone offset to 0, you get UTC. If you need both localtime here and UTC there, write some UTC date/time macros.
Ignore New Line in Source code
Hello all, is it possible to ignore a new line in Wiki Text Mode? I want to do the following to improve the readability:
|| Cell 1 || Cell2 || || Cell 3 second line bla bla || Cell4 ||
this should result to the following:
Cell1 |
Cell2 |
Cell3 second line bla bal |
Cell4 |
A: No, the table parser can't parse that.
May be a continuation sign for a line could solve this too. If so please add a feature request about this. I am not sure if \ will be the right sign for this. -- ReimarBauer 2006-05-22 20:52:03
|| Cell 1 || Cell2 || || Cell 3 \ second line \ bla bla || Cell4 ||
wrong time
When i do a modification on my wiki, the modification time is GMT. What should I do to correct this.
May be you should have a look into your Preferences and do correct the Time Zone -- ReimarBauer 2006-06-01 06:52:20
Every MoinMoin installation I've visited is in Chinese.
The problem is that I'm in a Chinese speaking country, but I don't speak/read the language. I'm sure there is a user setting/preference somewhere, but I can't identify it. All navigation is in Chinese. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
If you can get an account on such a wiki you can change then in UserPreferences your country / language settings. Usually, you set your preferred language in your browser. The browser then sends some http header "Accept-Language" to the web/wiki server and the server responds as appropriate.
Controlling new page creation better
In order to force the acl-settings consistently for all pages in the entire wiki (e.g. unknow user can only read pages, but not edit them), I would like to do the following: When a known user creates a new page by entering an unknow page name or clicking on a link of an unknow page, Moin opens a new windows, says that the page does not exist and that you can create a new empty page or choose a template for it. When choosing "Create empty page" (without any template), I nevertheless would like to have filled some text in there:
## Do not edit these lines #acl Known:read,write,delete,revert All:read" Describe [Pagename] here
How can I implement that? Thank you!
- Either the users have admin rights (to be able to set/change ACLs) - then you can use a page templat with just that text on it. Or your users don't have admin rights, then there is no way having them set or change ACLs. In that case you maybe want to set your acl_rights_default to the default you want.
How do I clear the cache?
I have used FullSearchCached() extensively since my host is quite slow and the cache is a big speed up. After a while I have a lot of really out dated pages, how do I clear the cache?
Answer: Go to the page in question, and select "Clear Cache". This will only clear the cache for this page though.
Different SPAN colors?
Sorry didn't manage to find that.. Is it possible to mark some words in some different colors? Let's say, @(red)This is in RED@ or the like...
At MacroMarket you do find which could easily used to color code words in a text. -- ReimarBauer 2006-09-15 19:23:21
The raw parser from the ParserMarket is great for that, as it allows you to write:
This <b>sentence</b> is written in <font color="blue"><i>html</i></font>
with the <strong><font color="red">raw</font></strong> formatter
Can I escape the }}} sequence in code blocks?
I want to put some text in a code block. The problem is that said text includes the }}} sequence. Is there a way to escape this sequence? or is there a way to specify a true verbatim block, a la <verbatim> ... </verbatim>?
Is categoryTemplate a template for creating Category pages, or is it a category to be placed on Template-type pages? As it is, it could be either. It meets both the naming criteria for a category (begines with Category) and for a template (ends with the wourd Template). And looking at the page contents, it could either be an unfinished category, or a template. (I think I know the answer to this question, but this ambiguity should be cleared up. Plus, it's kind of funny...)
- It is a template for making new category pages.
Suggestion: Renaming it to CategoriesTemplate would make it so that it no longer met the technical definition of a Category, but it would still be easily identified in the template list as the template to use for creating categories. Ambiguity gone. -- SteveDavison 2006-04-28 17:15:55
DeleteCache link... what does it do?
In various pages on MoinMoin I have seen instructions like "if something doesn't take effect, force MoinMoin to rebuild the cache by deleting all files in path_to_your_wiki_instance/data/cache/wikidicts/"... This seems like terrible advice, since most users will not have access to that location on their wiki server, or wouldn't know how to find it.
In the theme I use (classic), there is a link "DeleteCache" at the bottom of every page. I have found no documentation on what this link does. Will it accomplish the same thing??
Thanks! -- SteveDavison 2006-11-09 00:00:25
No, that only deletes the PageName/cache/text_html file that is used to speed up rendering for that single page. -- ThomasWaldmann 2006-11-09 07:46:51
How do I enter an email address but disable automatic linking?
I want to enter something that looks like an email address but it should not be linked.
Put backquotes around it. Like this
to get this
List of Deleted Pages
How can I get a list of all deleted pages? Thanks -- Ralf Sternberg 2006-11-18 09:57:18
- I guess there is no way yet. For what do you need that?
I don't have a use case, actually. The question just came up and I think since deleted pages are still kept in the system but are not displayed in the TitleIndex anymore, there should be some way to keep track of them.
- May be we should extend the moin command tool for that and an additional option to purge these pages. I don't believe that it is a good idea to list those pages from within the theme because of spam.
That would be a good idea. However, if this function were restricted to admin users, spammers shouldn't be a problem. We run the wiki on a root server and the server-admin != wiki-admin. Therefore, the command-line tool is out of reach. I guess this is a common case.
Looks like an action or macro which is only visible or executable for superuser. Can you perform a feature request on that please. -- ReimarBauer 2006-11-18 20:41:38
Have a look at MacroMarket/DeletedPages
Dump to static HTML
I would like to dump the pages of my Moin DesktopEdition Wiki to static html, so that I could transfer them to a dumb web server.
How can I do this ?
(The script seems not to work ...?) -- Michael G.
Updating attachments
I'm using a Wiki running on MoinMoin 1.5.6. I was wondering if there was a simple way that I can update attached files?
At the moment, the only options I can see are to delete the old attachment and upload the new using the same name or to link to an external address rather than attaching it within the Wiki. If there isn't a more simple method of updating files, where would be appropriate to suggest this? (it's not really a bug, just a potential enhancement...)
Thanks in advance
RolandGlew - 27/11/2006
Hi Roland! Anytime you can create a new feature request on FeatureRequest and tell us your story there, i.e. what feature you need, why, what it should do...
Changing the background colors of macros in my wiki
I have poured over the stylesheets for a way to change the background color of my macros in my wiki (table of contents, fortune cookie, etc) but have not found it. Is there a way to do it or am I just overlooking something simple? Jack Kohoutek - 2007-01-04
You are not allowed to view this page
Hello. Every new page I create shows this text to the world:
You are not allowed to view this page.
What am I doing wrong? I have searched this website and Google for the answer but only found thousands of pages where that was the only text.
After some study I think I've decided it is a problem with all new pages created by moin or Python. I can't find a way in moin to set permissions for new files on the server.
Sharing Image attachments across pages
I have an image that I'd like to include across all the pages of a slide show without having to upload it as an attachment to each page. I've done; and Image(/wiki/common/myimage.png) I turned on muliviews in apache to confirm and /wiki/common/myimage.png is there and accessable ok.
both result in an upload link, instead of the image and I suspect this might be a basic novice user error, but I"m stumped.
-- Andrew
Simply upload the image as attachment to one page, e.g. MyPics
Reference the image from other pages with [[Image(!MyPics/picture.jpg, height=150, alt=A picture showing a nice landscape)]] or attachment:MyPics/picture.jpg
Preventing line breaks in links
Is there a method of preventing line breaks within link descriptions. I've tried and   in place of space, but they don't work. Underscores look ugly and they don't work with non-latin alphabet fonts.
You can find a macro that help to do this in FeatureRequests/NonBreakableSpace.
How can I include a Page when the included Page is dynamic
I have a page with a macro which returns new data every time (for testing it returns the time)
When I look at that Page I can refresh the browser and the new time is displayed because I have used "Dependencies" in that macro.
But here comes the problem. I have another Page using the include-Macro to display the content of the included Page inline. In principle, that works fine, but the included Data doesn't change. I assume the page-data is just taken out of the cache and the Macro is not called again.
Is there a way to deal with this?
Perhaps that could be done by MacroMarket/EmbedWikiPage it will execute the macro again on the client side
How to define my own startpage
In a german installation a help page says, i can set a personal startpage.
But i cant find where to do so.
Thanks for hints
see HelpOnConfiguration, its a var you can set in wikiconfig
How do I align text to the right?
I am trying to align some text on the right side of the page. Is there a way to do this directly?
Alternatively, is there a way to make a frame with a clear border? This would work as well. I tried setting the frame color to 'clear' as well as the style to 'hidden,' but neither of these seemed to work.
see at NirSoffer for an example or do use the alpha version of the ParserMarket/Frame
-- ReimarBauer 2007-06-18 20:33:53
named internal link
Orphaned Pages and named internal Links
When I look at the list of orphaned pages it seems that all named internal links ([:HelpContents:Contents of the Help]) are not recognised as links and many pages are on the list by fault. Can somebody help me? -- ThomasSchloegl 2007-07-12 14:07:35
Documentation of Regular Expressions
What is the exact flavor of regular expression syntax does MoinMoin use, and can this be added to the documentation? Regular expressions are a very powerful tool, but we can't just assume that everyone knows how to use them. And even if you know the basics, that doesn't tell you everything you need to know. There are several, if not dozens, of different implementations of RE. You may know one of them in depth, but still get thrown by a small difference in implementations.
My point is that this should be documented. I'm guessing that moin follows the style of Python, which it's based on, so maybe we could include a link to a www page on python RE. But even then, I would bet that there are a couple cases where moin RE's don't do everything that a Python RE could do, maybe I'm wrong. But there are issues like... how to quote your expression if you need to include spaces? And does moin support back-references? -- SteveDavison 2007-07-29 23:03:09
Basically moin pass the expression you provide to Python re module as is, so anything supported by re should work. See You can see some examples in HelpOnMacros and HelpOnSearching.
Including RSS feeds in a page
Is it possible to display the RSS feed for, say in a wiki page? Basically the wiki will become a bucket for all kinds of information. I guess this calls for an RSS interpreter plugin/macro.
-- Bharath 2025-03-12 05:57:10
Using Java Applets possible?
Is there a way to use Java Applets on a page? -- ThomasSchloegl 2007-09-06 07:10:33
How I can Include pages only from a particular Category ?
How to see all Changes from the beginning? (blocked on 2006-07-31)
I'm trying to see the beginning date of an internal Wiki. So I go to RecentChanges and click on 90days. Then I modify the url to have something like http://wiki.domain.tld/moinmoin/RecentChanges?max_days=900 It works but stops at 2006-07-31. If I put 1000 or 1100, it's the same, I can't go before this date. But I'm sure that we started working on in 2006 04. How can I view this information on RecentPages?
And how can I see an interval like betweek 30 and 90 days ago? I tried ?max_days=90&min_days=30 but it displays like ?max_days=90
There is a builtin size limit for RecentChanges, it stops if it reaches that size. This is to prevent high load / abuse. You can change the limit in RecentChanges macro source file. And that we support max_days doesn't mean there must be min_days also. -- ThomasWaldmann 2007-10-16 15:21:00
Ok thanks for this information. I have created a FeatureRequest: check FeatureRequests/RecentChangesNeedsAMinDaysArgument
IRC on Wiki Pages
Is there a way to have IRC chat, or at least some real-time forum on a wikipage? How can I do it?
Cannot edit new page -- get "Please use the interactive user interface to use action edit!"
I create a new page and try to edit it. I select the empty page. I make no changes (or minimal changes) hit save or preview and get the above message, with no changes actually made to the page (still shows the new page help and links). This happens with both the gui and text editor.
Have I made some basic config error? This is a newly created wiki, and I am editing as superuser, with the relevant lines set to...
superuser = [u"DavidLewis", ] acl_rights_before = u"DavidLewis:read,write,delete,revert,admin" # acl_rights_before = u"DavidLewis:read,write,delete,revert,admin \ # Trusted:read,write,delete,revert,admin \ # Known:read,write,delete,revert \ . # All:read" acl_rights_after = u"Trusted:read,write,admin \ Known:read,write \ All:read"
Looks like I am invoking some anti-spam-edit feature, but why?
One more thing that may be relevant. I have changed both the site name and logo, but as I login and browse through pages, I get a seemingly random combination of prior versions of both the site name and logo appearing. Looks like there are multiple versions in a cache somewhere. (I'd like to solve this too)
WinXPPro or Ubuntu 7.10, FF
Thanks. --David Lewis
acl_rights_after looks wrong. You maybe want to use acl_rights_default and put it all into one line. -- ThomasWaldmann 2007-11-24 19:44:13
OK, thanks... fixed that. I was just following the model given to me by Kholix. That line now reads...
acl_rights_default = u"Trusted:read,write,admin Known:read,write All:read"
But that did not fix the problem. I still cannot create a new page, or more precisely, I cannot save the new page's initial edit -- I get the same message. So I'm still dead in the water. --David
See MoinMoinBugs/PleaseUseTheInteractiveUserInterfaceToUseActionEdit. Add more details there if that doesnt solve your problem. Please delete this section after updating the bug report.
Yes, I saw that page (found it by googling the phrase). It's about waiting a long time between the last edit and the save, so the ticket expires. That is probably not my problem, as I am doing everything immediately. Perhaps it's a clue, however -- could I be doing something in my wikiconfig to affect that ticket? I don't have any more details, except if you want me to send my entire file verbatim. Is there a way to do that? I could try reverting to the exact original as supplied by Kholix, with the only change being to instantiate SuperUser. Any other suggestions for experiments?
Newsflash -- it's all working now! (It wasn't a hallucination!!) Also, all the inconsistencies with prior versions of the site name and site logo have cleared up -- the very latest of which are now showing consistently throughout the site. Could there be a relationship between those -- things out of synch in page caches or something that confused the access control logic into thinking me a spammer? I will go looking for information on caching and clearing, which I remember seeing at some point in my wanderings. (Or can someone point me to it -- or say anything about the wild inconsistencies in site name and logo? I would often see a site name on a page going back three or four edits of Thanks. --David.
Multiple languages using multiple locales in one wiki page
I'd like to have wiki pages translated into different languages by users in different locales. Suppose I have a page written and saved in the U.S. using the US locale. Then I want a wiki user in Germany to translate my English content into German using the German locale and place the translated content below the English. Next, I want someone in Portugal to open this same wiki page and translate the page into Portuguese below the English and German content. And so forth... When I open the wiki page, will I be able to see all of the content in each language? Will the wiki page appear correctly based on the locale? I just want to make sure this approach is feasible and practical. Thanks!
Open Links in a new Window
On MacroMarket you can find an extension (or for that.
Yes, I would also like to know how to open a link in a new window. (Without resorting to using the plugin...)
Note: Opening new windows is not good for AccessibleMoin and thus not recommended. If a user really wants to get a new window (note, that it is the users decision, not the wiki page editors), the user can usually do this using some functionality of his browser.
Redirecting to an anchor
I need a way to redirect a page to an anchor within another page and I can't.
Scenario: I have a GroupOfPeople page with a section for each like:
= People in the project = [[Anchor(MarianoAbsatz)]] * MarianoAbsatz (clueless guy) [[Anchor(JürgenHermann)]] * JürgenHermann (cluefull guy)
and I want to have individual user pages redirect to the specific point in this page, however, if I create the MarianoAbsatz page and put
#REDIRECT GroupOfPeople#MarianoAbsatz
it doesn't work. I rather tries to show a page actually named GroupOfPeople#MarianoAbsatz (using GroupOfPeople%23MarianoAbsatz in the URL).
(I'm using 1.5.8 w/Apache+mod_python).
Please move this to a bug report. Makes it more likely to get fixed.
How do I escape the contents of an embedded file ?
I'm writing a page describing a snippet of HTML, and I'd like to embed an attached file. This: Home.html will not work, because the wiki will render the contents of the file, and the following will not work either, because it will only display the text "attachment:Home.html" in a box.
Should I write a macro to replace the less-than and greater-than signs with ampersands ? In that case, how does a macro access an attachment ?
You could just rename the file to Home.html.txt.
How to show image from local network?
There is syntax to make links to documents on file shares in MoinMoin.
[file://///servername/sharename/full/path/to/file/filename%20with%20spaces.txt Click here to read filename with spaces.txt]
But how to show images from file shares? Syntax:
is not working! I have MoinMoin Version Release 1.6.2
How to use MoinMoin to setup the discussion board (forum)?
I had used the MoinMoin to create the platform for information exchange. However, in some cases, I want to create a page of discussion board (forum-like or blog-like) to let guest users put their comments without making changes to existed information. I had study the /MacroMarket and some documents through Goggle. The "/Form" and "Blog" seem to be useful, although there is a gap from the real discussion board. Could anyone provide a better suggestion for me? Thanks a lot.
problem including subpages
Hi, I have a page named "CasD'Utilisation" and a lot of subpages of this one. I have created a form to ease creation of subpage with the NewPage macro, but I also want to automatically include these subpages. I have tried
<<Include(/.*)>> <<Include(CasD'Utilisation/.*)>>
but that don't work, even if this is directly inspired from the examples. What could be the problem?
Question: Is it possible for MoinMoin to read and format text files?
Hi, I am currently setting up a wiki on request and had this question asked to me. Is it possible for MoinMoin to read a comma- or space separated text file with data and format it to a more readable format as a table of some sort (even Excel)?
Thanks. -- JohanZiprus 2025-03-12 05:57:10
Yes. The CSV parser can sniff the delimiter from the first CSV line so other delimeters than ";" can be used. Please read the changes
-- MarcelHäfner 2008-06-24 15:29:51
Question: Does MoinMoin have a mail function?
Is it possible for users to mail each other? Is there a plugin for either mail or some kind of form that let's the user fill in information and upload it to the page? (Not just edit a page, but have some kind of error page where every submitted form gets appended?
Thanks. -- JohanZiprus 2025-03-12 05:57:10
A user can have a homepage, where others can add messages or just using some function like "supplementation_page" (see HelpOnConfiguration adding text to some subpage). Or maybe you want to check out ActionMarket/FormSubmit or MacroMarket/Form (only with a database)
-- MarcelHäfner 2008-06-24 15:29:51
Mandatory comments for changes
We use MoinMoin for our system documentation. There are many changes every day. Is there a possibility to define that every non-trivial change of a wiki-side had to be described with a comment ?
You can't make people give reasonable commit comment by forcing them. If you force them, you will likely get commit comments like ".", "1234", "foo", "comment". So better educate / convince them. Also, in some cases, a comment is not needed, so it should not be forced. -- ThomasWaldmann 2008-07-18 07:18:14
How do I link to a prior revision of a page?
With MoinMoin 1.6.3 I used <<Action((recall&rev=3, Text for link)>> and it worked perfectly. I have upgraded to 1.7.1 and that usage now displays <<Action: Cannot have arguments without name following named arguments>>. I have tried a number of things, and the only one that works is an external link as [[|Text for link]], but I'd like to avoid both the external link and coding the host and path in the page.
The macro uses now the argument parser. <<Action(recall, Text for link, rev=3)>> or use a keyword for the text <<Action(recall, rev=3, text=Text for link)>>. If you are interested in writing own macros the argument parser makes the usage of parameters easier, see
- Thank you. That works fine.
Or just use link markup; [[PageName|Rev. 42 of PageName|&rev=42]]
And that works too. I had tried [[PageName|Rev. 42 of PageName|&action=recall&rev=42]] but that didn't work because it %xx encoded the second & and =. I didn't think to try it with just the rev= parameter. Thanks.
How to generate fixed pitch text WITH markup?
I want to be able to to use fixed size font but with interpreted markup within it (e.g. generate a link within monospace text).
Is this possible? It seems quite strange to me that I have 2 different ways to generate monospace text, and neither of them allows markup within it
Maybe you could create some css for monospace rendering when class is "monospace". Then use this:
{{{#!wiki monospace monospace wiki text }}}
Online wikifarm which supports synchronization with a local wiki
I'd like to have my wiki hosted online to be reachable from anywhere in the world, but also to have a local copy for offline editing. Does anybody know a wikifarm with MoinMoin wiki engine, which supports sunchronization with local one?
Non ascii symbols in macro source files
if I add a non-unicode symbol in macro source file - for example a string or something, I get on the page I call this macro from, ouptut like this <<FilmInfo: ascii>>, where FilmInfo is my macro. This happens whenever I add a line containing non ascii characters to my macro
Make sure you declare the encoding of your source file correctly. See top of MoinMoin/ -- ThomasWaldmann 2008-10-17 02:41:40
- I have set
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
is this incorrect? 2008-10-17 09:41:40
I don't know if you used utf-8 encoding in your source, but the coding line syntax looks ok. -- ThomasWaldmann 2008-10-18 04:08:49
TableOfContents box width
Is there a way to limit width of the box produced by TableOfContents macro? I'd want the grey field to end about where rightmost letter of table of contents does.
You can wrap it in a table and then add formatting to the table:
||<tablestyle="float:right; margin: 0px;" style="padding:0.5em; border: 0px;font-size: 80%;"><<TableOfContents>>||
Hooks to actions
Can I add a hook to an action? I want to execute some code when a page is deleted - can I somehow add a hook function to 'delete page' action?
Look into the events/notification methods search for PageDeletedEvent.
Importing plugins of other types
I write a macro wich uses an event, described in one of events plugins. How can I import the module, containig desired event? There is importWikiPlugin but it requires cfg, so I can call it only from my macro function. Can I somehow import the desired event at start of my module, where all other imports are placed?
Not sure if I understand your request. You are not asking for from MoinMoin import events ?
OrphanedPages shows linked Pages
Hello! I've got a problem regarding the OrphanedPages. 2 days ago I did the migration from Version 1.5.8 to 1.6.4 an now my OrphanedPages show Pages which are linked (and because of this shoulndn't be displayed). Does anyone have an idea? Thanks
--> The problem seems to be a temporary chaching problem. My workaround: 1. Put the link into ]] '''2.''' Save the page '''3.''' Remove the [[ again. 4. The page disappears in the OrphanedPages.
Displaying logged-in users?
Is there a way of seeing who is logged into the Wiki?
What does it mean to be "logged in"? To have a login cookie in one's browser? From how long ago? I don't think MoinMoin knows these things. With appropriate logging, you could track login and logout events from the log, but this wouldn't tell you about people who go away without logging out. MarkSapiro 2009-01-09 18:15:36
We're using MoinMoin as a project documentation wiki which is a closed enviroment, meaning only the frontpage is visible to every visitor, to access the content one has to login. The idea was to have a page which shows a list of the currently logged-in users. Tracking the login/logout events is a great idea, the issue with the possible inaccuracy due to people leaving without logging out is in our case tolerable because due to the nature of the content we have strict login/logout policies for the small group of users. I will try and pursue this road. Thank you.
Is it possible to embed a Google Calendar into a wiki page?
Is there a way to just copy and paste the code Google provides you (e.g. <iframe ...></iframe>)? Or you need to install a special Wiki extension to do that? Thanks a lot.
Yes this is feasible. You have to install the macro. Check add google calendar in MoinMoin for more info
search, shortcuts and redirects - how they interact?
say there are people names and they have shortcuts or aliases. i want to be able to search for SomeGuy and get all links as fullname and all of its shortcuts (say SomeG), which should also link to that. One way i found to make shortcuts into links is to make empty pages redirecting to the fullname-page. This is good as being very independent. But how would u search these? esp. in macro -- "all who mention me". Searching for fullname seems to ignore redirects, hence one needs to know all the shortcuts and also search for them... which goes the other end, that the fullname page knows all of its shortcuts (e.g. dokuwiki has such plugin). Basically i need "who links here" regardless via how many redirects that would be... redirect being a "symbolic link". is it possible somehow? if programming is needed, where to look ? svil 2009-05-25
Just using a single name and no redirects makes such stuff much easier. If you sign something you've written, use @SIG@. -- ThomasWaldmann 2009-05-25 06:30:31
heading 6th level
Does MoinMoin support headings 6th or greater level?
- You could easily answer this yourself by just trying it
==== Level 4 head ====
===== Level 5 head =====
====== Level 6 head ======
======= Level 7 head =======
As you see, beyond level 5, you still get a heading, but the size doesn't decrease. -- MarkSapiro 2009-09-25 15:55:37
Also, if you look at the generated HTML for the wiki page, the headings beyond level 5 still have 'h5' tags -- MarkSapiro 2009-10-01 16:41:48
(How) can I change the theme easily (without using "Preferences")
I am using different themes for using the Wiki (1) in daily tasks and (2) to organize the content in order to make it usable for the users. For task (1), the default of the wiki is quite appropriate, but for (2), I'm addicted to the explorer theme, which gives me a good overview of the categories. OK, I could go to Preferences and change the theme, but I would prefer to have sort of an easier way to switch themes. Any ideas how to accomlish this?
BTW: six times 7 is "the answer to all questions"! Would you please inform your system about that! Thanks!
see modernized_cms and setup a similiar theme. -- ReimarBauer 2009-11-02 19:58:42
How can I exclude a page from Moinmoin Engine
I have a special page that don't want MoinMoin to treat it as a wiki page. How do I do this? E.G.,, stats is a special statistic page generated by other packages. But now MoinMoin treat it as a wiki page.
RSS Feed for calendar
Currently the generate feed for all of the recent changes. Is there a way to generate feed only for certain pages? For example, if it can generate feeds for Calendar/.*, then the calendar will be a blog tool.
I know it's not of Moin's task to to this, but it's a good way for moin users to broadcast major events to other people, with the convienience of especially the Include macro, not to bother other blog platforms like Wordpress or Zine.
Escape editor macros in headlines @SIG@
Is there a good looking way to escape a macro in a headline? The headline should be displayed as "Escape macros like @SIG@ in headlines".
- You could maybe use a space (even a zero-width space, if you like, see headline above).
Embedding verbatim matter in an ordered list without breaking the list-numbering
The three open-braces {{{ should be indented the same amount as the list-number, so that they belong to that list-item. For instance:
5. item 1 {{{#!wiki monospace verbatim text intervening}}} 2. item 2
- item 1
verbatim text intervening
- item 2
Question, urgent please:
I have to find a way of easy creation of subpages and link them automatically. I used <NewPage> Macro with parameters and @SELF. It really does create a subpage but it doesn't create an automatic link to the subpage on the page where it was called from. How to do it? Thank You
Edit the page, put [[/SubPage]] whereever you like it to be, save. Now click on the new link to create the subpage. -- ThomasWaldmann 2012-04-06 12:00:25
I can do that, but for users who create pages a lot per day that is not an option, unfortunately. Is there any automatic way of doing that?
How much pages per page if it is just one, you can do it with the supplementation pragma. -- ReimarBauer 2012-04-06 18:14:58
More than one
In many cases, the task is not just "adding a page" somehow, but also make sure it is nicely linked and "reachable" from some other place. Reachability is made sure by linking to it, but one often does not just want to have some arbitrarily made "link list" on some page, but one wants to have good and well-placed links (within some text, with some good link text, etc.). Thus I still think manually caring for the link also is a good way to ensure this. An alternative, if this does not matter, is to create new page names following a specific pattern and use some macro to search for all pages following this pattern and list them automatically. -- ThomasWaldmann 2012-04-07 12:57:26
Customize RecentChanges Macro?:
How can I restrict the RecentChanges page in MoinMoin that only specific pages would be listed. Since I have a huge Wiki site and pages are organized in a hierarchical way, I would like to let RecentChanges page show only limited pages according to different hierarchical page paths. Is it possible?
You can build your own macro adding some more rules. -- ReimarBauer 2012-06-06 15:29:09
- thanks. But it means I need to modify the backend code? I would like to have user based customizable macros :p
One can write new macro and make it as customizable as he wants. Also, there is some customization in rss feed (changeset 0e1b4214318f), but only in tip, not in release (will be included in 1.9.5) — -- EugeneSyromyatnikov 2012-06-08 07:55:04
Somehow what I need can be "implemented" with "fullsearch", for example, action=fullsearch&advancedsearch=1&and_terms=[Keyword]&mtime=last+4+weeks&titlesearch=1&case=1. Since I organized my pages in hierarchical way, the [Keyword] is just my page paths. Maybe I can "embedded" such search result in my pages? at the moment I can show the search result only by clicking a link. It would be nice to reuse the existing functionality without changing a lot in moinmoin :p
Check out FullSearch and FullSearchCached macros (see HelpOnMacros for details). Looks like something like <<FullSearch(title:regex:case:^Keyword.*$ )>> with additional support of mtime parameter (which have to be implemented in macro) would work. -- EugeneSyromyatnikov 2012-06-08 10:55:43
Passing Variables to Templates
Maybe I just don't grasp the concept of templates on moinmoin since I'm a mediawiki refugee. I want to create a template that generically displays a table with a picture and text independent of the template.
In MediaWiki I could pass the variables like this:
{{NewTemplate|Picture1|This is an example of text}}
{{NewTemplate|Picture2|Here is another example}}
But I can't figure out how to pass variables to templates in MoinMoin. Am I missing the point completely?
Templates in MoinMoin are not really the same as templates in MediaWiki since they are generally used as the initial content for new pages, rather than the basis of parameterised content dynamically added to existing pages (as is the case with MediaWiki). However, there are probably macros or parsers which might permit the same thing as the MediaWiki template facility in Moin. Fairly recently, a collection of Moin IncludeWithVals plugins was made available that provides such functionality (along with other things), although the way values are passed to the "template" (actually an "included" page) is different: the values are taken from a wikidict (a page providing a mapping of names to values), not from the place where the "template" is mentioned.
I suppose it would be possible to write a parser to provide the same functionality in Moin or to extend the built-in Include macro, although the latter is already a bit complicated to use when arguments need to be specified. -- PaulBoddie 2013-05-23 12:18:24
Cannot get GraphViz working
I've installed graphviz on my Ubuntu 14.04 ULTS, and my python version is 2.7.
I followed the installed steps in}GraphVizForMoin as it stated. My MoinMoin is under /usr/local/share/moin folder, so I
- copied MoinGraphViz/wiki to /usr/local/share/moin/, and
- copied MoinGraphViz/umoin to /usr/local/share/moin/support/
And my graphviz binary path is: /usr/bin, so I
- changed the var BINARY_PATH in /usr/local/share/moin/data/plugin/parser/
Then, I restart my apache, I could see I've add "GraphVizCleanUp" action, but when I tried a sample of it:
{{{#!graphviz //filter=dot //format=png //cmapx=DocumentationMap digraph DocumentationMap { FrontPage [href="FrontPage", root=true]; HelpOnEditing [href="HelpOnEditing"]; SyntaxReference [href="SyntaxReference"]; WikiSandBox [href="WikiSandBox", color="grey"]; MoinMoin [href=""]; FrontPage -> WikiSandBox; FrontPage -> MoinMoin; WikiSandBox -> HelpOnEditing; WikiSandBox -> SyntaxReference; SyntaxReference -> FrontPage; };
}}} it doesn't work.
Is there're any steps I should do?
How to check, via a self written parser plugin, if the webpage is in preview-mode?
I need to determinate if I am in preview mode because the CSS containers are named differently in preview mode